Bohman, Matthew , James, Benjamin, Wirthlin, Michael J, Quinn, Heather, & Goeders, Jeffrey Brant. (No date available). Microcontroller Compiler-Assisted Software Fault Tolerance. Journal Article, Academic Journal. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, .
Libano, Fabiano, Wilson, Brittany, Wirthlin, Michael J, & Rech, Paolo. (No date available). Selective Hardening for Neural Networks in FPGAs. Journal Article, Academic Journal. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, .
Keller, Andrew, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (No date available). Impact of Soft Errors on Large-Scale FPGA Cloud Computing. Conference Proceedings. 27th ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays., .
Glick, Dallon, Grigg, Jesse, Nelson, Brent Edwin, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (No date available). Maverick: A Stand-alone CAD Flow for Xilinx 7-Series FPGAs. Conference Proceedings. 27th ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays, .
Cannon, Matthew, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2018). Improving the Effectiveness of TMR Applications on FPGAs with an SEU-Aware Incremental Placement Technique. Conference Proceedings. FCCM, .
Cannon, Matthew, Keller, Andrew, Rowberry, Hayden, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (No date available). Increasing the Effectiveness of TMR by Manipulating the Placement and Routing for Designs Deployed on SRAM FPGAs. Journal Article, Academic Journal. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science , .
Lee, David, King, Michael, Evans, William, Cannon, Matthew, Perez-Celis, Andres, Anderson, Jordan, Wirthlin, Michael J, & Rice, William. (No date available). Single-Event Characterization of 16 nm FinFET Xilinx UltraScale+ Devices with Heavy Ion and Neutron Irradiation. Conference Proceedings. 2017 IEEE Radiation Effects Data Workshop, .
Anderson, Jordan, Leavitt, Jennings, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (No date available). Xilinx UltraScale+ MPSC Single-Event Upset Neutron Radiation Beam Results. Conference Proceedings. 2017 IEEE Radiation Effects Data Workshop, .
Wirthlin, Michael J, Keller, Andrew, Anderson, Jared, Wen, Shi-Jie, Wong, Richard, Cao, Feng, Pan, Yang, & Jiang, Tongtao. (No date available). Using Partial TMR to Improve the SER Performance of a Commercial FPGA-based Networking System. Conference Proceedings. SELSE-14: The 14th Workshop on Silicon Errors in Logic – System Effects, .
Bohman, Matthew, James, Benjamin, Wirthlin, Michael J, Quinn, Heather, & Goeders, Jeffrey Brant. (No date available). Microcontroller Compiler-Assisted Software Fault Tolerance. Conference Proceedings. IEEE Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference, .
Keller, Andrew M, Whiting, Timothy A, Sawyer, Kenneth B, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2018). Dynamic SEU Sensitivity of Designs on Two 28-nm SRAM-based FPGA Architectures. Journal Article, Academic Journal. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science (TNS), . 65 (1) , 280-287.
Brusati, M., Camplani, A., Cannon, M., Chen, H., Citterio, M., Lazzaroni, M., Takai, H., & Wirthlin, Michael J. (October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2017). Mitigated FPGA design of multi-gigabit transceivers for application in high radiation environments of High Energy Physics experiments. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Measurement, Elsevier. 108 , 171-192.
Cannon, Matthew, Swift, James, Keller, Andrew, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (No date available). Incremental Routing for Triple Modular Redundancy on FPGAs to reduce Common Mode Failures. Conference Proceedings. 26th ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays, .
Cannon, Matthew, Pe ́rez-Celis, Andre ́s, Swift, Gary, Wong, Rick, Wen, Shi-Jie, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (No date available). Investigating the Challenges and Capabilities of a New Micro-Mirror Laser Facility for Localizing SEE Sites on Large Modern FPGAs. Conference Proceedings. RADECS 2017, .
Hutchings, Brad L, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (September 2017). Rapid Implementation of a Partially Reconfigurable Video System with PYNQ. Conference Proceedings. 27th International Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications, . , 1-8. doi:10.23919/FPL.2017.8056845
Stoddard, Aaron, Gruwell, Ammon, Zabriskie, Peter, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2017). A Hybrid Approach to FPGA Configuration Scrubbing in High-Radiation Environments. Journal Article, Academic Journal. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, . 64 (1) , 497 - 503.
Lee, David S., Swift, Gary, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2017). An Analysis of High-Current Events Observed on Xilinx 7-Series and UltraScale Field- Programmable Gate Arrays. Conference Proceedings. 2016 IEEE Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference, IEEE. , 1-5.
Keller, Andrew, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2017). Benefits of Complementary SEU Mitigation for the LEON3 Soft Processor on SRAM-based FPGAs. Journal Article, Academic Journal. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, . 64 (1) , 519-528.
Gruwell, Ammon, Zabriskie, Peter, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (13 October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2016). High-speed FPGA configuration and testing through JTAG. Conference Proceedings. IEEE AUTOTESTCON 2016, IEEE. , 1-8. doi:10.1109/AUTEST.2016.7589601
Newmeyer, Luke, Wilde, Doran Kenneth, Nelson, Brent Edwin, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (September 2016). Efficient Processing of Phased Array Radar in Sense and Avoid Application Using Heterogeneous Computing. Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL), IEEE. doi:10.1109/FPL.2016.7577322
Lazzaroni, M., Brusati, M., Camplani, A., Cannon, M., Chen, H., Citterio, M., Takai, H., & Wirthlin, Michael J. (September 2016). TECNICHE DI MITIGAZIONE APPLICATE A LOGICHE PROGRAMMABILI IN AMBITO DI FISICA DELLE ALTE ENERGIE. Conference Proceedings. XXXIII Congresso Nazionale di Misure Elettriche ed Elettrioniche, , AESSE grafica srls. , 91-92. isbn:978-88-940453-6-9
Newmeyer, Luke, Wilde, Doran Kenneth, Nelson, Brent Edwin, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (29 September 2016). Efficient Processing of Phased Array Radar in Sense and Avoid Application Using Heterogeneous Computing. Conference Proceedings. The 26th International Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL), IEEE. , 1-8. doi:10.1109/FPL.2016.7577322
Gruwell, Ammon, Zabriskie, Peter, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (29 September 2016). High Speed Programmable FPGA Configuration Through JTAG. Conference Proceedings. The 26th International Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL), IEEE. , 1-4. doi:10.1109/FPL.2016.7577336
Stoddard, Aaron, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (29 September 2016). High-speed PCAP configuration scrubbing on Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoCs. Conference Proceedings. The 26th International Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL), IEEE. doi:10.1109/FPL.2016.7577301
Citterio, M, Camplani, A, Cannon, M, Chen, H, Chen, K, Deng, B, Liu, C, Meroni, C, Kirkstead, J, Takai, H, Wirthlin, Michael J, & Ye, J. (11 July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2016). Radiation testing campaign results for understanding the suitability of FPGAs in detector electronics. Conference Proceedings. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Elsevier. 824 , 270-271. doi:doi:10.1016/j.nima.2015.11.033
Brusati, M., Camplani, A., Cannon, M., Chen, H., Citterio, M., Lazzaroni, M., Takai, H., & Wirthlin, Michael J. (June 2016). An Architecture for a Mitigated FPGA Multi-Gigabit Transceiver for High Energy Physics Environments. Conference Proceedings. International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO) Workshop on Technical Diagnostics 2016: New Perspectives in Measurements, Tools and Techniques for Systems Reliability, Maintainability and Safety, Scopus. , 370-375. isbn: 978-92-990073-9-6
Wirthlin, Michael J, Keller, Andrew, McCloskey, Chase, Ridd, Parker, Lee, David, & Draper, Jeff. (February 2016). SEU Mitigation and Validation of the LEON3 Soft Processor Using Triple Modular Redundancy for Space Processing. Conference Proceedings. International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA), ACM. , 205-214.
Harward, Nathan, Gardiner, Michael, Hsiao, Luke, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2016). A Fault Injection System for Measuring Soft Processor Design Sensitivity on Virtex-5 FPGAs. Book, Chapter/ Section in Scholarly Book. FPGAs for Aerospace Applications: Soft Errors and Fault-Tolerant Design, Springer. Chapter 5 , 61-74.
Harding, Alex, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2016). Hybrid Configuration Scrubbing for Xilinx Series-7 FPGAs. Book, Chapter/ Section in Scholarly Book. FPGAs for Aerospace Applications: Soft Errors and Fault-Tolerant Design, Springer. Chapter 7 , 91-101.
Lee, David, Wirthlin, Michael J, & Swift, Gary. (December 2015). Addressing Angular Single-Event Effects in the Calculation of On-Orbit Error Rates. Journal Article, Academic Journal. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science (TNS), . 62 (6) , 2563-2569.
Cannon, Matthew, Wirthlin, Michael J, Camplani, A., Citterio, M., & Meroni, C.. (December 2015). Evaluating Xilinx 7 Series GTX Transceivers for Use in High Energy Physics Experiments Through Proton Irradiation. Journal Article, Academic Journal. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science (TNS), . 62 (6) , 2695-2702.
Quinn, Heather, Robinson, William H., Rech, Paolo, Aguirre, Miguel, Barnard, Arno, Desogus, Marco, Entrena, Luis, Garcia-Valderas, Mario, Guertin, Steven M., Kaeli, David, Kastensmidt, Lima, Fernanda, Kiddie, Bradley, T., Sanchez-Clemente, Antonio, Reorda, Matteo Sonza, Sterpone, Luca, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (December 2015). Using Benchmarks for Radiation Testing of Microprocessors and FPGAs. Journal Article, Academic Journal. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, IEEE. 62 (6) , 2547 - 2554.
Dodds, N., Dodd, P., Shaneyfelt, M., WSexton, F., Martinez, M., Black, J., Bhuva, B., Warren, K., Reed, R., Weller, R., Mahatme, N., Gaspard, N., Assis, T., Massengill, L., Swift, G., Lee, D., Wirthlin, Michael J, Cannon, Matthew, Kelly, A., Marshall, P., Trinczek, M., Blackmore, E., & Pellish, J.. (10 November 2015). The contribution of low-energy protons to the total on-orbit SEU rate. Journal Article, Academic Journal. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science (TNS), IEEE. 622 (6) , 2440 – 2451. doi:10.1109/TNS.2015.2486763
Quinn, Heather, Morgan, Keith, Graham, Paul, Krone, Jim, Caffrey, Michael, Lundgreen, Kevin, Pratt, Brian, Lee, David, Swift, Gary, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (3 November 2015). Assuring Robust Triple-Modular Redundancy Protected Circuits in SRAM-based FPGAs. Book, Chapter/ Section in Scholarly Book. Ionizing Radiation Effects in Electronics: From Memories to Imagers, CRC Press. Chapter 8 , 195-228. isbn:9781498722605
Quinn, Heather, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (7 August 2015). Validation Techniques for FPGA-based Fault Emulation. Journal Article, Academic Journal. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science (TNS), IEEE. 62 (4) , 1487 - 1500 .
Lee, David S., Allen, Gregory R., Swift, Gary, Cannon, Matthew, Wirthlin, Michael J, George, Jeffrey S., Koga, Rokutaro, & Huey, Kangsen. (July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2015). Single-Event Characterization of the 20 nm Xilinx Kintex UltraScale Field-Programmable Gate Array under Heavy Ion Irradiation. Conference Proceedings. 2015 IEEE Radiation Effects Data Workshop, IEEE. , 1-6. doi:doi: 10.1109/REDW.2015.7336736
Harward, Nathan, Gardiner, Michael, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (May 2015). Estimating Soft Processor Soft Error Sensitivity through Fault Injection. Conference Proceedings. IEEE 23rd Annual International Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM), 2015 , IEEE. , 143-150. doi:10.1109/FCCM.2015.61
Wirthlin, Michael J. (March 2015). High-Reliability FPGA-Based Systems: Space, High-Energy Physics, and Beyond. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Proceedings of the IEEE, IEEE. 103 (3) , 379-389. doi:10.1109/JPROC.2015.2404212 issn:0018-9219
Wirthlin, Michael J, Lee, David, Swift, Gary, & Quinn, Heather. (20 November 2014). A Method and Case Study on Identifying Physically Adjacent Multiple-Cell Upsets Using 28-nm, Interleaved and SECDED-Protected Arrays. Journal Article, Academic Journal. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science (TNS), IEEE. 61 (6) , 3080 - 3087.
George, Alan, Crum, Gary, Wirthlin, Michael J, & Lam, Herman. (August 2014). CSP: A Multifaceted Hybrid Architecture for Space Computing. Conference Proceedings. Proc. of the AIAA/USU Conf. on Small Satellites, .
Lee, David, Wirthlin, Michael J, Swift, Gary, & Le, Anthony. (July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2014). Single-Event Characterization of the 28 nm Xilinx Kintex-7 Field-Programmable Gate Array under Heavy Ion Irradiation. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Radiation Effects Data Workshop (REDW), IEEE. , 1-5.
Wirthlin, Michael J, Takai, Helio, & Harding, Alex. (16 January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2014). Soft Error rate estimations of the Kintex-7 FPGA within the ATLAS Liquid Argon (LAr) Calorimeter. Journal Article, Academic Journal. IOP Science Journal of Instrumentation, . 9 (C01025)
Monson, Josh, Wirthlin, Michael J, & Hutchings, Brad L. (December 2013). Optimization techniques for a high level synthesis implementation of the Sobel filter. Conference Proceedings. Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig), 2013 International Conference on , IEEE. , 1-6. doi:10.1109/ReConFig.2013.6732315
Quinn, Heather, Graham, Paul, Morgan, Keith, Baker, Zachary, Caffrey, Michael, Smith, Dave, Wirthlin, Michael J, & Bell, Randy. (August 2013). Flight Experience of the Xilinx Virtex-4. Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of European Radiation Effects on Components and Systems Conference (RADECS), .
Monreal, Roberto, Swift, Gary, Wirthlin, Michael J, Walker, Joseph, & Nelson, Brent Edwin. (July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2013). Single Event Effect Rate Analysis and Upset Characterization of FPGA Digital Signal Processors. Conference Proceedings. 2013 IEEE Radiation Effects Data Workshop (REDW), IEEE. , 1-8. doi:10.1109/REDW.2013.6658210 isbn:978-1-4799-1136-3 issn:2154-0519
Harding, Alex, Ellsworth, Kevin, Nelson, Brent Edwin, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2013). Characterization and Mitigation of the MGT-Based Aurora Protocol in a Radiation Environment. Conference Proceedings. Radiation Effects Data Workshop (REDW), IEEE. , 8-12.
Monson, Josh, Wirthlin, Michael J, & Hutchings, Brad L. (June 2013). Implementing high-performance, low-power FPGA-based optical flow accelerators in C. Conference Proceedings. Application-Specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (ASAP), IEEE. , 363-369.
Li, Yubo, Nelson, Brent Edwin, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2013). Reliability Models for SEC/DED Memory with Scrubbing in FPGA-based Designs. Journal Article, Academic Journal. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, IEEE. 60 (4) doi:10.1109/TNS.2013.2251902
Wirthlin, Michael J. (February 2013). FPGAs Operating in a Radiation Environment: Lessons Learned from FPGAs in Space. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Journal of Instrumentation, International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) and the Institute of Physics Publishing. 8 (C02020)
Wirthlin, Michael J, Jensen, Josh, Wilson, Alex, Howes, Will, Wen, Shi-Jie, & Wong, Rick. (February 2013). Placement of Repair Circuits for In-Field FPGA Repair . Conference Proceedings. International Conference on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA 2013), ACM SIGDA. , 115-124.
Pratt, Brian, Fuller, Megan, Rice, Michael, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2013). Reduced-Precision Redundancy for Reliable FPGA Communications Systems in High-Radiation Environments. Journal Article, Academic Journal. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, IEEE. 49 (1) , 369-379.
Lavin, C, Padilla, M, Lamprecht, J, Lundrigan, Philip Brandon, Nelson, Brent Edwin, Hutchings, Brad L, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (2012). RapidSmith--A Library for Low-level Manipulation of Partially Placed-and-Routed FPGA Designs. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Technical Report, Dept. of Elec. and Comp. Eng., Brigham Young University.
Nelson, Brent Edwin, Wirthlin, Michael J, Ellsworth, Kevin, Harding, Alex, Ballew, Colby, & Haroldsen, Travis. (September 2012). Radiation Testing of FPGA-Based High-Speed Serial Communication. Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of European Radiation Effects on Components and Systems Conference (RADECS), .
Nelson, Brent Edwin, Wirthlin, Michael J, & Li, Yubo. (September 2012). Reliability Models for SEC/DED Memory with Scrubbing in FPGA-based Designs. Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of European Radiation Effects on Components and Systems Conference (RADECS), .
Rollins, Nathan, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (February 2012). Reliability of a Softcore Processor in a Commercial SRAM-Based FPGA. Conference Proceedings. International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays, ACM/IEEE.
Ostler, Patrick, Wirthlin, Michael J, & Jensen, Josh. (December 2011). FPGA Bootstrapping on PCIe Using Partial Reconfiguration. Conference Proceedings. International conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs (Reconfig2011), IEEE.
Monson, Joshua S, Wirthlin, Michael J, & Hutchings, Brad L. (December 2011). A Fault Injection Analysis of Linux Operating on an FPGA-Embedded Platform. Journal Article, Academic Journal. International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing, Hindawi. 2012 , Article ID 850487, 11 pages.
Pratt, Brian, Fuller, Megan, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2011). Reduced-Precision Redundancy on FPGAs. Journal Article, Academic Journal. International Journal on Reconfigurable Computing, Hindawi. 2011 , 12.
Nelson, Brent Edwin, Wirthlin, Michael J, Ellsworth, Kevin, & Haroldsen, Travis. (March 2011). Dual Channel Architecture for Reliable FPGA high Speed Serial Links. Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE Aerospace Conference, .
Rollins, Nathan, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (February 2011). Software Fault-Tolerant Techniques for Softcore Processors in Commercial SRAM-Based FPGAs. Conference Proceedings. ARCS 2011 - 24th International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems, Verlag. , 4.
Li, Yubo, Nelson, Brent Edwin, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (December 2010). Synchronization Techniques for Crossing Multiple Clock Domains in FPGA-Based TMR Circuits. Journal Article, Academic Journal. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, IEEE. 57 (6) , 3506 - 3514.
Monson, Joshua, Hutchings, Brad L, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (December 2010). Fault Injection Results of Linux Operating on an FPGA Embedded Platform. Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of Reconfig 2010 International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs, IEEE. , 37-42.
Morgan, Keith S., Caffrey, Michael, Carroll, James Lamond, Gibelyou, Derrick, Graham, Paul, Howes, William, Johnson, Jonathan, McMurtrey, Daniel, Ostler, Patrick, Pratt, Brian, Quinn, Heather, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (August 2010). Fault Tolerance Techniques and Reliability Modeling for SRAM-based FPGAs. Book, Chapter/ Section in Scholarly Book. Radiation Effects in Semiconductors: Devices, Circuits, and Systems, CRC Press.
Rollins, Nathaniel, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (March 2010). Fault-Tolerant Block-RAM Memories in SRAM-Based FPGAs. Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of the IEEE Aerospace Conference, .
Arnesen, Adam, Ellsworth, Kevin, Gibelyou, Derrick, Haroldsen, Travis, Havican, Jared, Padilla, Marc, Nelson, Brent Edwin, Rice, Michael, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (August 2010). Increasing Design Productivity Through Core Reuse, Meta-Data Encapsulation, and Synthesis. Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications, .
Lavin, Chris, Padilla, Marc, Ghosh, Subhrashankha, Nelson, Brent Edwin, Hutchings, Brad L, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (August 2010). Using Hard Macros to Reduce FPGA Compilation Time. Conference Proceedings. 2010 International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications, IEEE. , 438-441.
Pratt, Brian, Fuller, Megan, Rice, Michael, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (May 2010). Reliable Communications Using FPGAs in High-Radiation Environments -- Part I: Characterization. Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ.
Anderson, Jon-Paul, Nelson, Brent Edwin, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (March 2010). Using Statistical Models with Duplication and Compare for Reduced Cost FPGA Reliability. Conference Proceedings. 2010 IEEE Aerospace Conference, .
Johnson, Jonathan, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (February 2010). Voter Insertion Algorithms for FPGA Designs Using Triple Modular Redundancy. Conference Proceedings. International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays, .
Propst, A., Peters, K., Zikry, M. A., Schultz, Stephen Marshall, Kunzler, W., Zhu, Z., Wirthlin, Michael J, & Selfridge, Richard H. (January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2010). Assessment of damage in composite laminates through dynamic, full-spectral interrogation of fiber Bragg grating sensors. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Smart Materials and Structures, . 19 , 1-11.
Ostler, Patrick, Caffrey, Michael P., Gibelyou, Derrick, Graham, Paul S., Morgan, Keith S., Pratt, Brian H., Quinn, Heather M., & Wirthlin, Michael J. (December 2009). SRAM FPGA Reliability Analysis for Harsh Radiation Environments. Journal Article, Academic Journal. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science (NSREC), IEEE. 56 , 3519-3526.
Schultz, Stephen Marshall, Kunzler, W., Zhu, Z., Wirthlin, Michael J, Selfridge, Richard H, Propst, A., Zikry, M., & Peters, K.. (September 2009). Full-spectrum interrogation of fiber Bragg grating sensors for dynamic measurements in composite laminates. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Smart Materials and Structures, . 18 , 1150515.
Quinn, Heather, Graham, Paul, Wirthlin, Michael J, Pratt, Brian, Morgan, Keith, Caffrey, Michael, & Krone, Jim. (October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2009). A Test Methodology for Determining Space-Readiness of Xilinx SRAM-based FPGA Devices and Designs. Journal Article, Academic Journal. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, . 58 , 3380-3395.
Arnesen, Adam, Rollins, Nathaniel, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (September 2009). A Multi-Layered XML Schema and Design Tool for Reusing and Integrating FPGA IP. Conference Proceedings. 19th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL), . , 472-475.
Pratt, Brian, Caffrey, Michael, Graham, Paul, Morgan, Keith, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (September 2009). Analysis of SEU-induced Errors in the Matched Filter of an FPGA-based Digital Communications Receiver. Conference Proceedings. 19th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL), . , 38-43.
heiner, benjamin, Sellers, Benjamin, Heiner, Jonathan, Wirthlin, Michael J, & Kalb, Jeff. (September 2009). Bitstream Compression Using Partial Reconfiguration. Conference Proceedings. 19th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL), . , 476-480.
Heiner, Jonathan, Sellers, Benjamin, Wirthlin, Michael J, & Kalb, Jeff. (September 2009). FPGA Partial Reconfiguration via Configuration Scrubbing. Conference Proceedings. 19th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL), . , 99-104.
Schultz, Stephen Marshall, Kunzler, W., Zhu, Z., Wirthlin, Michael J, Selfridge, Richard H, Propst, A., Zikry, M., & Peters, K.. (September 2009). Full-spectrum interrogation of fiber Bragg grating sensors for dynamic measurements in composite laminates. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Smart Materials and Structures, . 18 , 1-7.
Schultz, Stephen Marshall, Kunzler, W., Zhu, Z., Wirthlin, Michael J, Selfridge, Richard H, Propst, A., Zikry, M., & Peters, K.. (September 2009). Full-spectrum interrogation of fiber Bragg grating sensors for dynamic measurements in composite laminates. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Smart Structures and Materials, . 18
Caffrey, Michael, Katko, Kim, Nelson, Anthony, Palmer, Joseph, Robinson, Scott, Roussel-Dupre, Diane, Salazar, Anthony, Wirthlin, Michael J, Howes, William, & Richins, Daniel. (August 2009). The Cibola Flight Experiment. Other. 23 Annual AIAA/USU Conference on Small Satellites, .
Propst, A., Peters, K., Zikry, M. A., Kunzler, W., Zhu, Z., Wirthlin, Michael J, Selfridge, Richard H, & Schultz, Stephen Marshall. (April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2009). Dynamic, full-spectral interrogation of fiber Bragg grating sensors for impact testing of composite laminates. Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of SPIE, . 7503
Kunzler, W., Zhu, Z., Wirthlin, Michael J, Selfridge, Richard H, Schultz, Stephen Marshall, Propst, A., Peters, K., & Zikry, M.. (April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2009). High repetition-rate full-spectrum interrogation of FGB sensors for dynamic measurements in composite laminates. Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of SPIE, . 7293
Caffrey, Michael, Wirthlin, Michael J, Howes, William, Richins, Daniel, Roussel-Dupre, Diane, Robinson, Scott, Nelson, Anthony, & Salazar, Anthony. (April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2009). On-Orbit Flight Results from the Reconfigurable Cibola Flight Experiment Satellite (CFESat). Conference Proceedings. IEEE Symposium on Field Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM 2009), IEEE. , 3-10.
Kunzler, W., Zhu, Z., Wirthlin, Michael J, Selfridge, Richard H, Schultz, Stephen Marshall, Propst, A., Peters, K., & Zikry, M.. (March 2009). High repetition-rate full-spectrum interrogation of FBG sensors for dynamic measurements in composite laminates. Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of SPIE, . 7293
Kunzler, W., Zhu, Z., Wirthlin, Michael J, Selfridge, Richard H, Schultz, Stephen Marshall, Propst, A., Peters, K., & Zikry, M.. (March 2009). High repetition-rate full-spectrum interrogation of FBG sensors for dynamic measurements in composite laminates. Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of SPIE, . 7293
Nelson, Brent Edwin, Hutchings, Brad L, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (November 2008). Design, Debug, Deploy: The Creation of Configurable Computing Application. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Journal of Signal Processing Systems, . 53 , 187-196.
Nelson, Brent Edwin, Hutchings, Brad L, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (November 2008). Design, Debug, Deploy: The Creation of Configurable Computing Applications. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Journal of Signal Processing Systems, Springer, New York. 53 , 187-196.
Nelson, Brent Edwin, Hutchings, Brad L, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (November 2008). Design, Debug, Deploy: The Creation of Configurable Computing Applications. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Journal of Signal Processing Systems, . 53 , 187-196.
Selfridge, Richard H, Kunzler, Wesley, Zhu, Zixu, Schultz, Stephen Marshall, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (September 2008). Integrating Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors with Sensor Networks. Conference Proceedings. IEEE AUTOTESTCON, .
Kunzler, W., Zhu, Z., Selfridge, Richard H, Schultz, Stephen Marshall, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (September 2008). Integrating fiber Bragg grating sensors with sensor networks. Conference Proceedings. IEEE AUTOTESTCON, . , 354 - 359.
Kunzler, W., Zhu, Z., Selfridge, Richard H, Schultz, Stephen Marshall, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (September 2008). Integrating fiber Bragg grating sensors with sensor networks. Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of IEEE Autotestcon, .
Pratt, Brian, Caffrey, Michael, Carroll, James Lamond, Graham, Paul, Morgan, Keith, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (August 2008). Fine-Grain SEU Mitigation for FPGAs Using Partial TMR. Journal Article, Academic Journal. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, . 55 , 2274-2280.
Quinn, Heather, Graham, Paul, Morgan, Keith, Krone, Jim, Caffrey, Michael, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2008). An Introduction to Radiation-Induced Failure Modes and Related Mitigation Methods For Xilinx SRAM FPGAs. Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering of Reconfigurable Systems and Algorithms (ERSA 2008), . , 139-145.
Rollins, Nathaniel, Arnesen, Adam, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2008). An XML Schema for Representing Reusable IP Cores for Reconfigurable Computing. Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of the National Aerospace and Electronics Conference (NAECON 2008), .
Nelson, Brent Edwin, Wirthlin, Michael J, Hutchings, Brad L, Athanas, Peter, & Bohner, Shawn. (July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2008). Design Productivity for Configurable Computing. Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering of Reconfigurable Systems and Algorithms (ERSA 2008), . , 57-66.
Nelson, Brent Edwin, Wirthlin, Michael J, Hutchings, Brad L, Athanas, Peter, & Bohner, Shawn. (July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2008). Design Productivity for Configurable Computing. Conference Proceedings. roceedings of The International Conference on Engineering of Reconfigurable Systems and Algorithms (ERSA'2008), .
Nelson, Brent Edwin, Wirthlin, Michael J, Hutchings, Brad L, Athanas, Peter, & Bohner, Shawn. (July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2008). Design Productivity for Configurable Computing. Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of The International Conference on Engineering of Reconfigurable Systems and Algorithms (ERSA'2008), .
Pratt, Brian, Caffrey, Michael, Gibelyou, Derrick, Graham, Paul, Morgan, Keith, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2008). TMR with More Frequent Voting for Improved FPGA Reliability. Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering of Reconfigurable Systems and Algorithms (ERSA 2008), . , 153-158.
Heiner, Jonathan, Collins, Nathan, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (March 2008). Fault Tolerant ICAP Controller for High-Reliable Internal Scrubbing. Conference Proceedings. IEEE Aerospace, . ISBN:1-4244-1448-1 , Paper 1256.
Wirthlin, M., Poznanovic, D., Sundararajan, P., Coppola, A., Pellerin, D., Najjar, W., Bruce, R., Babst, M., Pritchard, O., Palazzari, P., & Kuzmanov, G.. (March 2008). OpenFPGA CoreLib Core Library Interoperability Effort. Journal Article, Academic Journal. International Journal on Parallel Computing: Systems and Applications, Elsevier. 34 , 231-244.
Johnson, Jonathan, Howes, William, Wirthlin, Michael J, McMurtrey, Daniel, Caffrey, Michael, Graham, Paul, & Morgan, Keith. (March 2008). Using Duplication with Compare for On-line Error Detection in FPGA-based Designs. Conference Proceedings. IEEE Aerospace Conference, . ISBN:1-4244-1448-1 , Paper #1255.
Morgan, Keith S., McMurtrey, Daniel L., Pratt, Brian H., & Wirthlin, Michael J. (December 2007). A Comparison of TMR With Alternative Fault-Tolerant Design Techniques for FPGAs. Journal Article, Academic Journal. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, . 54 , 2065-2072.
Pratt, Brian, Caffrey, Michael, Carroll, James F., Graham, Paul, Morgan, Keith, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (September 2007). Fine-Grain SEU Mitigation for FPGAs Using Partial TMR. Conference Proceedings. 9th European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS 2007)., .
Wirthlin, Michael J, Poznanovic, D., Sundararajan, P., Coppola, A., Pellerin, D., Najjar, W., Bruce, R., Babst, M., Pritchard, O., Palazzari, P., & Kuzmanov, G.. (July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2007). OpenFPGA CoreLib Core Library Interoperability Effort. Conference Proceedings. Reconfigurable Systems Summer Institute 2007, .
Kunzler, W., Newman, J., Wilding, D., Selfridge, Richard H, Schultz, Stephen Marshall, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (March 2007). Accelerating an integrated FOS system for flight on a small UAV. Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of SPIE, . 6530
Kunzler, W., Newman, J., Wilding, D., Selfridge, Richard H, Schultz, Stephen Marshall, Wirthlin, Michael J, & Rodriguez, A.. (March 2007). Miniature UAV Telemetry using a portable integrated FOS system. Conference Proceedings. SPIE Proceedings, SPIE. 6530
sun, welson, Wirthlin, Michael J, & Neuendorffer, Stephen. (February 2007). FPGA Pipeline Synthesis Design Exploration Using Module Selection and Resource Sharing. Journal Article, Academic Journal. IEEE Transactions on Computer Aided Design, IEEE. 26 , 254-265.
Kunzler, Wesley, Newman, Jason, Wilding, Daniel, Selfridge, Richard H, Schultz, Stephen Marshall, Wirthlin, Michael J, & Rodriguez, Andres. (February 2007). Miniature MAV Telemetry Using a Portable Integrated FOS System. Conference Proceedings. Proc. SPIE 6530 -- Sensor Systems and Networks: Phenomena, Technology, and Applications for NDE and Health Monitoring, . , Paper 653005.
Gokhale, Maya, Graham, Paul, Wirthlin, Michael J, Eric Johnson, D., & Rollins, Nathaniel. (2006). Dynamic Reconfiguration for Management of Radiation-Induced Faults in FPGAs. Journal Article, Academic Journal. International Journal of Embedded Systems, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.. 2 , 28-38.
French, Matthew, Graham, Paul, Wirthlin, Michael J, & Wang, Li. (June 2006). Cross Functional Design Tools for Radiation Mitigation and Power Optimization of FPGA Circuits. Conference Proceedings. Earth Science Technology Conference, .
Pratt, Brian, Caffrey, Michael, Graham, Paul, Morgan, Keith, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2006). Improving FPGA Design Robustness with Partial TMR. Conference Proceedings. IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium, . , 226-232.
French, Matthew, Wang, Li, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2006). Power Visualization, Analysis, and Optimization Tools for FPGAs. Conference Proceedings. IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines, .
sun, welson, Wirthlin, Michael J, & Neuendorffer, Stephen. (February 2006). Combining Module Selection and Resource Sharing for Efficient FPGA Pipeline Synthesis. Conference Proceedings. 2006 ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA 2006), . , 179-188.
Morgan, Keith, Caffrey, Michael, Graham, Paul, Johnson, Eric, Pratt, Brian, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (December 2005). SEU-Induced Persistent Error Propagation in FPGAs. Journal Article, Academic Journal. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, IEEE. 52 , 2438 - 2445.
Morgan, Keith, Caffrey, Michael, Graham, Paul, Johnson, Eric, Pratt, Brian, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (2005). SEU Induced Persistent Error Propagation in FPGAs. Conference Proceedings. IEEE Nuclear Science and Space Radiation Effects Conference, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Seattle, Washington.
Pratt, Brian, Johnson, D. Eric , Wirthlin, Michael J, Caffrey, Michael, Morgan, Keith, & Graham, Paul. (September 2005). Improving FPGA Design Robustness with Partial TMR. Conference Proceedings. MAPLD 2005, NASA.
French, Matthew, Graham, Paul, Wirthlin, Michael J, Wang, Li, & Larchev, Gregory. (June 2005). Radiation Mitigation and Power Optimization Design Tools for Reconfigurable Hardware in Orbit. Conference Proceedings. Earth-Sun System Technology Conference, .
Wirthlin, Michael J. (June 2005). Senior-Level Embedded System Design Project Using FPGAs. Conference Proceedings. IEEE Microelectronics Systems Education Conference, . , 91-92.
Graham, Paul, Caffrey, Michael, Johnson, D. Eric , Rollins, Nathan, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (December 2004). SEU Mitigation for Half-Latches in Xilinx Virtex FPGAs. Journal Article, Academic Journal. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, IEEE. 50 , 2147-2157.
Johnson, D. Eric, Caffrey, Michael, Graham, Paul, Rollins, Nathan, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (December 2004). Validation of an FPGA Fault Simulator. Journal Article, Academic Journal. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, IEEE. 50 , 2139-2146.
Johnson, D. Eric, Rollins, Nathan, Wirthlin, Michael J, Caffrey, Michael, & Graham, Paul S.. (September 2004). Evaluation of Power Costs in Applying TMR to FPGA Designs. Conference Proceedings. 7th Annual International Conference on Military and Aerospace Programmable Logic Devices (MAPLD), . , P136.
Eric Johnson, D., Morgan, Keith S., Wirthlin, Michael J, Caffrey, Michael, & Graham, Paul S.. (September 2004). Persistent Errors in SRAM-based FPGAs. Conference Proceedings. 7th Annual International Conference on Military and Aerospace Programmable Logic Devices (MAPLD), . , P135.
French, M., Graham, P., & Wirthlin, Michael J. (June 2004). Design Tools for Reconfigurable Hardware in Orbit. Conference Proceedings. NASA Earth Science Technology Conference, NASA Earth Science Technology Conference, Palo Alto, CA.
Gokhale, Maya, Graham, Paul, Johnson, Eric, Rollins, Nathan, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2004). Dynamic Reconfiguration for Management of Radiation-Induced Faults in FPGAs. Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of the 19th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, . , 145-150.
Wirthlin, Michael J. (February 2004). Improving the Reliability of FPGA Circuits Using Triple-Modular Redundancy (TMR) and Efficient Voter Placement. Conference Proceedings. ACM/SIGDA 12th International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays, ACM/SIGDA 12th International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays, Monterey, CA. , 252.