BYU Robotics / Controls Curriculum Skip to main content

BYU Robotics / Controls Curriculum

BYU offers the following curriculum in control systems engineering. 

Undergraduate courses:

EE 483 / ME 431 - Feedback control (offered Fall Semester)

EE 490 Senior Design - Senior design project with robotics emphasis (offered Winter Semester) 

General graduate level systems engineering courses:

EE 670 - Stochastic Processes (offered Fall Semester)

EE 671 - Mathematics of Signals and Systems (offered Fall Semester)

EE 672 - Detection and Estimation (offered Winter Semester)

Graduate level control engineering courses: 

EE 673 / ME 633 - Digital Control (offered Winter Semester of even years)

EE 674 / ME 634 - Flight Dynamics and Control (offered Winter Semester of odd years)

EE773 / ME 733 - Linear Systems Theory (offered Winter Semeter of odd years)

EE774 / ME 734 - Nonlinear Systems Theory (offered Winter Semester of even years)

CS 613 - Robust Control (offered Winter Semster)

Other courses that are closely related to control engineering:

EE 631 - Robot Vision (offered Winter Semester)

ME 534 - Dynamics of Mechanical Systems (offered Winter Semester)

ME 537 - Robot Manipulators (offered Fall Semester)

ME 570 - Computer-Aided Engineering Software Development (offered Fall Semester)

ME 575 - Optimization Techniques in Engineering (offered Winter Semester)

CS 312 - Algorithm Analysis (offered Fall and Winter) 

CS 412 - Mathematical Modeling and Optimization

CS 470 - Artificial Intelligence (offered Fall and Spring) 

CS 650 - Computer Vision I (offered Fall Semester)

CS 670 - Multi Agent Systems (offered Winter Semester) 

CS 750 - Computer Vision II (offered on demand)