ECE Professors Visit Alumni in California Skip to main content
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ECE Professors Visit Alumni in California

Published Date: 03/14/2019

One of the great resources BYU engineering students have available to them is a wide variety of alumni who are willing to help students with their academic and professional careers. In part, this is due to the connections made by dedicated professors maintaining relationships with former students.

In order to grow the relationships between alumni, faculty, and current students, the ECE Department is now sponsoring meetings in areas with large concentrations of department alumni. These are slated to take place every three years.

This past weekend, (February 28-March 1), Dean Michael Jensen and Drs. Aaron Hawkins and Michael Rice visited Los Angeles and San Diego to meet alumni and familiarize them with new programs in the department.

Of their experience, Dr. Hawkins said, “We love renewing our connections and letting former students know about new developments like Capstone, junior core, and a push for experiential learning.”

“We’re trying to establish ways for current students to learn from the alumni and for the alumni to open up employment and Capstone opportunities for new graduates. We would love to get a strong network going so that if students had questions about living in an area or working for a certain company, they could easily find alumni contacts would could help.”