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Ryan Camacho


Office: 460E EB


Ryan Camacho joined the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in 2017. He received the BS degree in Physics from Brigham Young University in 2003, the MA degree in Physics in 2006, and the PhD degree in Physics in 2008, all from the University of Rochester. From 2008-2010 he was a postdoctoral scholar at Caltech, and from 2010-2017 he worked at Sandia National Laboratories.


  • Parker A. Awerkamp, Davin Fish, Madison King, David Hill, Gregory P. Nordin, Ryan M. Camacho, "3D printed mounts for microdroplet resonators" Opt. Express 30, 1599-1606 (2022)
  • Christian Carver, Mawla Boaks, JuHang Kim, Kevin Larson, Gregory P. Nordin, Ryan M. Camacho, "Photonic Tuning of Silicon Ring Resonators Using an Automated Microfluidic Mixer" CLEO: Applications and Technology, ATh4G. 4
  • Ian M. Hammond, Alec M. Hammond, Ryan M. Camacho, "Simulating Optical Field Mode Profiles using Artificial Neural Networks for use in Open Source Eigenmode Expansion" CLEO: Science and Innovations, JW1A. 72
  • Christian Carver, Mawla Boaks, JuHang Kim, Kevin Larson, Gregory P Nordin, Ryan M. Camacho, "Automated photonic tuning of silicon microring resonators using a 3D-printed microfluidic mixer" OSA Continuum, 4, 2075-2081
  • Kevin Larson, Alec Hammond, Christian Carver, Derek Anderson, Mawla Boaks, Matthew Viglione, Greg Nordin, Ryan M. Camacho, "Zero-energy tuning of silicon photonic devices using 3D-printed microfluidics" Frontiers in Optics, FTu6B.2
  • Bing Qi, Hyrum Gunther, Philip G. Evans, Brian Williams, Ryan M. Camacho, Nicholas A Peters, "Passive-state preparation for continuous-variable quantum key distribution" Laser Science, LM1F.4
  • Bing Qi, Hyrum Gunther, Philip G. Evans, Brian Williams, Ryan M. Camacho, Nicholas A Peters, "Experimental Passive-State Preparation for Continuous-Variable Quantum Communications"Physical Review Applied, 13, 054065(2020)
  • Ryan Camacho, Davin Fish, M Simmons, Parker Awerkamp, Rebecca Anderson, Stephanie Carlson, Joshua Laney, Matthew Viglione, Gregory P Nordin, "Self‐Sustaining 3D Thin Liquid Films in Ambient Environments" Advanced Materials Interfaces 7 (9), 1901887 (2020)
  • Hammond, Alec M, & Camacho, Ryan M. (10 December 2018). Designing Silicon Photonic Devices using Artificial Neural Networks. Journal Article, Academic Journal. arXiv, arXiv.org.
  • Hammond, Alec M, Frank, Ian W, & Camacho, Ryan M. (11 June 2018). Error Correction in Structured Optical Receivers. Journal Article, Academic Journal. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, IEEE. 24 , 3900308.
  • Bunandar, Darius, Lentine, Anthony, Lee, Catherine, Cai, Hong, Long, Christopher M., Boynton, Nicholas, Martinez, Nicholas, DeRose, Christopher, Chen, Changchen, Grein, Matthew, Trotter, Douglas, Starbuck, Andrew, Pomerene, Andrew, Hamilton, Scott, Wong, Franco N. C., Camacho, Ryan M, Davids, Paul, Urayama, Junji, & Englund, Dirk. (6 April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2018). Metropolitan Quantum Key Distribution with Silicon Photonics. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Physical Review X. 8 (2) , 021009. doi:10.1103/PhysRevX.8.021009
  • Liu, S., Cai, H., DeRose, C. T., Davids, P., Pomerene, A., Starbuck, A. L., Trotter, D. C., Camacho, Ryan M, Urayama, J., & Lentine, A.. (May 2017). High speed ultra-broadband amplitude modulators with ultrahigh extinction >65 dB. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Optics Express. 25 (10) , 11254--11264. doi:10.1364/OE.25.011254 issn:1094-4087
  • Schröder, Tim, Trusheim, Matthew E., Walsh, Michael, Li, Luozhou, Zheng, Jiabao, Schukraft, Marco, Sipahigil, Alp, Evans, Ruffin E., Sukachev, Denis D., Nguyen, Christian T., Pacheco, Jose L., Camacho, Ryan M, Bielejec, Edward S., Lukin, Mikhail D., & Englund, Dirk. (May 2017). Scalable focused ion beam creation of nearly lifetime-limited single quantum emitters in diamond nanostructures. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Nature Communications. 8 , 15376. doi:10.1038/ncomms15376 issn:2041-1723
  • Cai, Hong, Long, Christopher M., DeRose, Christopher T., Boynton, Nicholas, Urayama, Junji, Camacho, Ryan M, Pomerene, Andrew, Starbuck, Andrew L., Trotter, Douglas C., Davids, Paul S., & Lentine, Anthony L.. (May 2017). Silicon photonic transceiver circuit for high-speed polarization-based discrete variable quantum key distribution. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Optics Express. 25 (11) , 12282--12294. doi:10.1364/OE.25.012282 issn:1094-4087
  • Sarovar, Mohan, Soh, Daniel BS, Cox, Jonathan, Brif, Constantin, DeRose, Christopher T., Camacho, Ryan M, & Davids, Paul. (December 2016). Silicon nanophotonics for scalable quantum coherent feedback networks. Journal Article, Academic Journal. EPJ Quantum Technology. 3 (1) , 14. doi:10.1140/epjqt/s40507-016-0052-6 issn:2196-0763
  • Sipahigil, A., Evans, R. E., Sukachev, D. D., Burek, M. J., Borregaard, J., Bhaskar, M. K., Nguyen, C. T., Pacheco, J. L., Atikian, H. A., Meuwly, C., Camacho, Ryan M, Jelezko, F., Bielejec, E., Park, H., Lončar, M., & Lukin, M. D.. (October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2016). An integrated diamond nanophotonics platform for quantum optical networks. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Science. , aah6875. doi:10.1126/science.aah6875 issn:0036-8075, 1095-9203
  • Soh, Daniel B. S., Brif, Constantin, Coles, Patrick J., Lütkenhaus, Norbert, Camacho, Ryan M, Urayama, Junji, & Sarovar, Mohan. (March 2015). Self-referenced continuous-variable quantum key distribution. Journal Article, Academic Journal. arXiv:1503.04763 [physics, physics:quant-ph].
  • Hendrickson, Scott Jay, Foster, A. C., Camacho, Ryan M, & Clader, B. D.. (December 2014). Integrated nonlinear photonics: emerging applications and ongoing challenges [Invited]. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Journal of the Optical Society of America B. 31 (12) , 3193. doi:10.1364/JOSAB.31.003193 issn:0740-3224, 1520-8540
  • Clader, B.D., Hendrickson, S.M., Camacho, Ryan M, & Jacobs, B.C.. (March 2013). All-optical microdisk switch using EIT. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Optics Express. 21 (5) , 6169--6179. doi:10.1364/OE.21.006169
  • Hendrickson, Scott Jay, Weiler, C. N., Camacho, Ryan M, Rakich, P. T., Young, A. I., Shaw, M. J., Pittman, T. B., Franson, J. D., & Jacobs, B. C.. (February 2013). All-optical-switching demonstration using two-photon absorption and the Zeno effect. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Physical Review A. 87 (2) , 023808. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.87.023808
  • Camacho, Ryan M. (September 2012). Entangled photon generation using four-wave mixing in azimuthally symmetric microresonators. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Optics Express. 20 (20) , 21977--21991. doi:10.1364/OE.20.021977
  • Rakich, Peter T., Reinke, Charles, Camacho, Ryan M, Davids, Paul, & Wang, Zheng. (January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2012). Giant Enhancement of Stimulated Brillouin Scattering in the Subwavelength Limit. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Physical Review X. 2 (1) , 011008. doi:10.1103/PhysRevX.2.011008
  • Vudyasetu, Praveen K., Camacho, Ryan M, & Howell, John C.. (November 2010). Rapidly reconfigurable slow-light system based on off-resonant Raman absorption. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Physical Review A. 82 (5) , 053807. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.82.053807
  • Lin, Qiang, Rosenberg, Jessie, Chang, Darrick, Camacho, Ryan M, Eichenfield, Matt, Vahala, Kerry J., & Painter, Oskar. (April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2010). Coherent mixing of mechanical excitations in nano-optomechanical structures. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Nat Photon. 4 (4) , 236--242. doi:10.1038/nphoton.2010.5 issn:1749-4885
  • Eichenfield, Matt, Chan, Jasper, Camacho, Ryan M, Vahala, Kerry J., & Painter, Oskar. (November 2009). Optomechanical crystals. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Nature. 462 (7269) , 78--82. doi:10.1038/nature08524 issn:0028-0836
  • Camacho, Ryan M, Chan, Jasper, Eichenfield, Matt, & Painter, Oskar. (August 2009). Characterization of radiation pressure and thermal effects in a nanoscale optomechanical cavity. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Optics Express. 17 (18) , 15726--15735. doi:10.1364/OE.17.015726 issn:1094-4087
  • Eichenfield, Matt, Camacho, Ryan M, Chan, Jasper, Vahala, Kerry J., & Painter, Oskar. (May 2009). A picogram- and nanometre-scale photonic-crystal optomechanical cavity. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Nature. 459 (7246) , 550--555. doi:10.1038/nature08061 issn:0028-0836
  • Chan, Jasper, Eichenfield, Matt, Camacho, Ryan M, & Painter, Oskar. (March 2009). Optical and mechanical design of a "zipper" photonic crystal optomechanical cavity. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Optics Express. 17 (5) , 3802--3817. doi:10.1364/OE.17.003802
  • Camacho, Ryan M, Vudyasetu, Praveen K., & Howell, John C.. (February 2009). Four-wave-mixing stopped light in hot atomic rubidium vapour. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Nat Photon. 3 (2) , 103--106. doi:10.1038/nphoton.2008.290 issn:1749-4885
  • Camacho, Ryan M, Dixon, Paul A, Glasser, Ryan T., Jordan, Andrew N., & Howell, John C.. (January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2009). Realization of an All-Optical Zero to π Cross-Phase Modulation Jump. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Physical Review Letters. 102 (1) , 013902. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.013902
  • Camacho, Ryan M. (2008). Implementations of slow light using double-resonances. Other. .
  • Broadbent, Curtis J., Camacho, Ryan M, Xin, Ran, & Howell, John C.. (April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2008). Preservation of Energy-Time Entanglement in a Slow Light Medium. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Physical Review Letters. 100 (13) , 133602. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.100.133602
  • Vudyasetu, Praveen K., Camacho, Ryan M, & Howell, John C.. (March 2008). Storage and Retrieval of Multimode Transverse Images in Hot Atomic Rubidium Vapor. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Physical Review Letters. 100 (12) , 123903. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.100.123903
  • Shi, Zhimin, Boyd, Robert W., Camacho, Ryan M, Vudyasetu, Praveen K., & Howell, John C.. (December 2007). Slow-Light Fourier Transform Interferometer. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Physical Review Letters. 99 (24) , 240801. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.99.240801
  • Pack, M. V., Camacho, Ryan M, & Howell, J. C.. (September 2007). Transients of the electromagnetically-induced-transparency-enhanced refractive Kerr nonlinearity. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Physical Review A. 76 (3) , 033835. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.76.033835
  • Pack, M. V., Camacho, Ryan M, & Howell, J. C.. (July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2007). Electromagnetically induced transparency line shapes for large probe fields and optically thick media. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Physical Review A. 76 (1) , 013801. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.76.013801
  • Camacho, Ryan M, Pack, Michael V., Howell, John C., Schweinsberg, Aaron, & Boyd, Robert W.. (April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2007). Wide-Bandwidth, Tunable, Multiple-Pulse-Width Optical Delays Using Slow Light in Cesium Vapor. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Physical Review Letters. 98 (15) , 153601. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.153601
  • Camacho, Ryan M, Broadbent, Curtis J., Ali-Khan, Irfan, & Howell, John C.. (January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2007). All-Optical Delay of Images using Slow Light. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Physical Review Letters. 98 (4) , 043902. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.043902
  • Camacho, Ryan M, Pack, Michael V., & Howell, John C.. (September 2006). Slow light with large fractional delays by spectral hole-burning in rubidium vapor. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Physical Review A. 74 (3) , 033801. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.74.033801
  • Pack, M. V., Camacho, Ryan M, & Howell, J. C.. (July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2006). Transients of the electromagnetically-induced-transparency-enhanced refractive Kerr nonlinearity: Theory. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Physical Review A. 74 (1) , 013812. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.74.013812
  • Camacho, Ryan M, Pack, Michael V., & Howell, John C.. (June 2006). Low-distortion slow light using two absorption resonances. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Physical Review A. 73 (6) , 063812. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.73.063812