Electrical or Computer Engineering? Skip to main content

Electrical or Computer Engineering?

If you're having trouble deciding between Electrical and Computer Engineering as your major, the resources below are provided to help you in that decision making process.

Keep in mind, you can postpone your decision (with minor modifications) until you are well into the program of study within the department.

Watch to learn more about Electrical Engineering at BYU
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Watch to learn more about Computer Engineering at BYU
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The Common Core

Both EE and CpE majors will complete the same (common) core of classes.
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An Example: Robotics

See how each discipline works together in the robotics field.
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Making a Decision

Consider the facts as you make our decision.
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Electrical vs Computer Venn

Course Breakdown

Common CoreEE SpecificCpE Specific
ECEn 191 - Freshman Seminar

CS 142 - Intro to Computer Programming

CS- 235 - Data Structures

CS 236 - Discrete Structures

CS 240 - Advanced Programing

Math 112, 113 - Calculus

Math 343 - Linear Algebra

Math 334 - Differential Equations

Stat 201 - Stats & Probability

Math 314 - Calculus of Several Variables
Physics 121, 220
Chemistry 105 or 111
ECEn 220 - Digital Logic
ECEn 240, 340 - Electronics I & II
ECEn 380 - Signals & Systems
ECEn 475 - Capstone Project
ECEn 360 - ElectromagneticsECEn 323 - Computer Organization
ECEn 400 - Tech Electives
Feedback Control
Digital Communications
Digital Signal Processing
Adv. Electromagnetics
Adv. Analog Electronics
Other 400-level courses
CpE 400 - Tech Electives
Computing Systems
Real-time O/S
Hardware/Software Co-Design
Integrated Circuit Design
400-level CS courses

Comments on the Table

  • The requirements outlined in the above table include only required courses.
  • Both degrees require the same number of credits.
  • The difference is in the 400-level electives courses.The use of technical electives means that neither degree will lock you out of courses from the other degree program (provided you satisfy the prerequisites). However, built into the requirement structure are limitations on how many courses you can take from the other degree program.