Application/Admission Overview Skip to main content

Application/Admission Overview

The Electrical and Computer Engineering Department welcomes enthusiastic, dedicated, and talented students in our graduate program. The Department and the University are deeply dedicated to the quality of education and research. We encourage you to consult the Department website to review the range of research projects active at BYU and to contact individual professors directly with questions about their work.

Application Requirements

Admission requirements for all students to the BYU Electrical and Computer Engineering program include the following:

  1. A completed undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Cybersecurity, or a related field
  2. a personal statement of intent (see notes below on personal statement)
  3. GRE exam scores (the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) is required for all applicants, except those with a degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, or Cybersecurity from BYU)
  4. three letters of recommendation
  5. an ecclesiastical endorsement must be received from appropriate ecclesiastical leaders

Applications must be submitted online. The graduate studies website provides further details about the application process and provides a means for you to check the status of your application; we encourage you to explore this site.

International Applicants

In addition to the requirements listed above, applicants from countries outside of the United States must complete the following additional requirements:

  1. Submit evidence of current visa or immigration status.
  2. Demonstrate acceptable English proficiency by taking the TOEFL exam for non-native speakers (see the graduate studies web page on English Proficiency Test Requirements for details). The TOEFL score requirements consist of a minimum total score on the iBT of 85 with a minimum score of 22 in Speaking and minimum scores of 21 in Listening, Reading, and Writing. For exceptional applicants, the department may consider requesting permission from the University to admit a student with a lower Speaking score, however, this will only be done if the total score is greater than or equal to 85 and if the applicant's potential graduate adviser agrees; note that in such cases the University may still deny admission. Students who are admitted with a lower Speaking score may be required to take English language classes upon enrollment.
  3. Complete the financial certification form.
  4. Upload copies of your transcripts and diplomas to your application; this should be done by following the "Department Documents" link in the online application form.
  5. Submit a credential evaluation from an approved agency as described at the Graduate Studies website.

Note that international applicants who do not currently have an MS degree are unlikely to be admitted directly into the PhD program without a strong letter of support from a BYU ECE faculty member.

Application Deadlines

All elements of the application must be completed by the application deadline. Please note that the application deadline for our department is sooner than the university deadline. The application deadlines for our department are as follows:

Semester/TermApplication Deadline
FallJanuary 15
WinterAugust 15

Research Area and Advisor

The Department has a tradition of strong research and publication in the top conferences and journals of our field. This high-quality research is performed with dedicated graduate students working closely with a faculty advisor. To succeed as a graduate student, you must have a graduate advisor. Please review the faculty in our department and identify at least one faculty member that shares your interests.

Statement of Intent / Personal Statement

To help us better evaluate your background, interests, and preparation, please include all of the following in your personal statement (statement of intent):

  • Describe why you are interested in pursuing a graduate degree at BYU,
  • Summarize your research interests, and
  • Identify at least one faculty adviser from our department that shares your research interests (listing multiple faculty is acceptable)

Applicants that do not identify research interests, potential faculty advisers, or the degree option will be at a severe disadvantage during the applicant review process.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What if my undergraduate degree is not Electrical or Computer Engineering? Are any pre-requisite courses required?Yes, you may have to take several undergraduate courses to prepare you for graduate work in our department. The specific courses you would be required to take depend on your undergraduate major and coursework, and the specific area of Electrical or Computer Engineering you are interested in. Usually, only 3-4 pre-requisite courses are needed. After you are admitted, you should meet with the graduate coordinator to determine what pre-requisites you should register for.
  2. Is it possible to be admitted to the program if my undergraduate degree is not in math, physics, computer science, or engineering?It is possible, though quite difficult. Usually a significant amount of pre-requisite work is required before we can evaluate your ability to succeed in our graduate program.
  3. Do I really have to take the GRE General Exam?The Graduate Record Exam (GRE) is required for all applicants, except those with a degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, or Cybersecurity from BYU.
  4. How do I find out more about the GRE Exam?Go to the GRE home page
  5. Do I really have to take the TOEFL?The TOEFL is only required of applicants from countries where English is not the official language. The University requires a minimum score of 237 on the computer-based exam, a minimum score of 580 on the paper-based exam, or a total of 85 on the IBT (with a minimum score of 22 in speaking and 21 in listening, reading, and writing).
  6. How do I find out more about the TOEFL?More information about the TOEFL exam is available at
  7. How do I qualify for financial assistance?Generous financial support packages that may include a stipend, tuition, and travel to technical conferences are awarded to graduate students on a competitive basis. The most highly qualified applicants as measured by GPA, test scores, experience, and letters of recommendation are offered financial assistance. Preference is given to PhD applicants. For international applicants to the MS program, the ECEN Department provides no fellowships or scholarships of financial or tuition support. Highly qualified MS applicants may be able to arrange funding by making contact directly with a potential faculty advisor who has available research assistant grant funds.

This web page is provided for convenience and does not represent the official policy of the University, College, or Department. For official information please consult the graduate catalog at