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Junior Core Christmas Party

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The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering hosted the first-ever junior class Christmas party.

For the first time ever, the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering hosted a Christmas party for students in the junior core. Organized in the events space in the new Engineering Building, the party welcomed the majority of the students in the Junior Core.

Events of the evening included board games, video games, and three White Elephant gift exchanges.

Autumn Twitchell, a junior in the Electrical Engineering program who attended the event said of her experience, “The White Elephant went really well. I bought this $4 capacitor and I got an Arduino out of it, so I was happy. They had really good gifts. It was great! I had a lot of fun!”

In addition to the gift exchange, the professors put together a trivia game. The purpose of the game was to match baby pictures and interesting facts with the correct professor the picture or fact belonged to.

“I learned that Doctor Wirthlin has 16 siblings,” Autumn said. “Also, Doctor Smalley ordered a book from the library because he wanted to learn about lasers, but the book also talked about how to make bombs, so the FBI came to his door because they saw he checked out a book about bombs. There were some pretty interesting things.”

These games, along with the opportunity to have a relaxing experience right before finals, was much appreciated by students.

“I think it was a lot of fun. It was fun seeing people’s spouses or seeing people who I didn’t even know who were in the junior core. Overall, it was a good experience. And free food—everyone loves free food,” Autumn said.

Echoing Autumn’s words, many students enjoyed the activity. It is an experience this year’s sophomores have to look forward to next Christmas.