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ECEn Interviews: Autumn Twitchell


Meet Autumn Twitchell! She is a first-year Masters student from Folsom, California working under Dr. Rice in aeronautical telemetry. She will be the first in a series of ECEN Interviews celebrating our students, inspired by the Cougar Queries.


I changed my major like four times! But I chose to major in electrical engineering because… I’ve always loved math, and I like the way electrical engineers apply it.

I came to BYU because… it was something that all of my older siblings had done, and they had a great time here.

My favorite class I’ve taken at BYU was… Intro to Astronomy. It was really fun to have a class in the planetarium with the really cushy seats. I think Astronomy is super cool!

My advice to incoming freshmen would be… to be a proactive student and get involved. Pick something you like and run with it! Most of my favorite experiences at BYU have been when I joined a club, joined a research group, worked on a project, took a hard class, or tried something new that sounded interesting.

I’m most inspired by… the people who get back up after they have failed.

My dream car is… a 2001 Toyota Tacoma truck. I learned how to drive in that car; it’s pretty fun.

My dream job is… to be an astronaut.

My favorite TV show is… Avatar: The Last Airbender

When I have an hour of free time, I will usually… go on a walk and listen to music.

Visiting all fifty states is one item on my bucket list. 

My go-to eat at the Cougareat is… the Wendy’s 444.

My favorite place in Provo is… the top of Y Mountain. It’s a really good place to think, and it’s nice to get away from people and the city sometimes.