Mars Rover team set to compete in this year's University Rover Challenge Skip to main content
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Mars Rover team set to compete in this year's University Rover Challenge

2022 Mars Rover

The University Rover Challenge (URC) is the world's premier robotics competition for college students. Held annually in the desert of southern Utah in the United States, URC challenges student teams to design and build the next generation of Mars rovers that will one day work alongside astronauts exploring the Red Planet. (

BYU participates annually in the challenge with a team of Electrical, Computer, and Mechanical Engineering students, along with students from Computer Science, Biology, and more. Led by Dr. Marc Killpack, the team designs the BYU rover to navigate a unique set of Mars-like challenges.

The team recently submitted their video and report for the system acceptance review (SAR) as part of the University Rover Challenge. Check it our HERE!

And stay tuned for official results from the final challenge coming in June...