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Brian Jeffs

Brian Jeffs


Office: 450N EB
Provo, Utah


Brian D. Jeffs received B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from Brigham Young University in 1978 and 1982 respectively. He received the Ph.D. degree from the University of Southern California in 1989, also in electrical engineering. Since 1990 he has been in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Brigham Young University and is currently a professor. He lectures in the areas of digital signal processing, digital image processing, and circuits.

Research interests include digital signal processing for radio astronomy, multiple antenna wireless communications, and digital image restoration and reconstruction. He directs the radio astronomy research group at BYU which is actively developing experimental astronomical instrumentation and signal processing algorithms. This group has recently completed a small array of radio telescope dish antennas located on the roof of the Clyde engineering building. This array can form synthesis images of deep space microwave radio sources and is being used to develop and study algorithms to mitigate man made interference while observing space objects.

Dr. Jeffs has recently completed a year-long sabbatical at Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, where he collaborated with ASTRON in developing and analyzing techniques for self calibration of the LOFAR low frequency radio astronomy array.

Previous employment includes Hughes Aircraft Company where he served as a sonar signal processing systems engineer in the anti-submarine warfare group. Current research interests include high data rate digital multiple antenna wireless communications systems, adaptive interference mitigation algorithms for radio astronomy, and blind image restoration.

Dr. Jeffs was a Vice General Chair for IEEE ICASSP-2001, held in Salt Lake City Utah. He was a member of the executive organizing committee for the 1998 IEEE DSP Workshop, and served several years as chair of the Utah Chapter of the IEEE Communications and Signal Processing Societies.


  • A. Vishwas, S. Parshley, G. Gull, G. Cortes, K. Rossi, T. Herter, D. Campbell, M. Burnett, S. Ammermon, N. Ashcraft, E. Nygaard, K. Warnick, B. Jeffs, H. Mani, C. Groppi, P. Perillat and D. Anish Roshi, “ALPACA: A Fully Cryogenic L-Band Phased Array feed for Radio Astronomy”, accepted presentation at the SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation meeting in Montreal, July 17-22, 2022
  • K. F. Warnick, M. Burnett, J. Kunzler, A. Vishwas, D. Campbell, B. D. Jeffs, “Performance of the ALPACA L band Phased Array Feed on the Green Bank Telescope,” 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, 4-10 Dec. 2021, Singapore.
  • M. Ruzindana*, M.C. Burnett*, J. Kunzler*, D. Marsh*, K. Lyman*, K. Evans*, A. Whipple*, K. Warnick, B. Jeffs, “High Sensitivity Phased Array Receivers for Location Services, 5G, Radio Astronomy, and Satellite Communications,” 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, 4-10 Dec. 2021, Singapore.
  • † B.D. Jeffs, M. Burnett*, M. Lambert*, K. Warnick, D. Campbell, G. Cortes, S. Parshley, J. Cordes, and A. Vishwas, “RFI Cancelation Methods for the VLA and ngVLA, and ALPACA: Development of a Phased Array Feed Radio Camera for Arecibo,” NRAO-Socorro Colloquium Series, Socorro New Mexico, Nov. 1 2019, (invited and sponsored talk).
  • † B.D. Jeffs, “What a Blast! Overview of an Ongoing Career in Electrical Engineering,” PRefreshman Engineering Program (PREP) Seminar, June 20, 2019, South Jordan, Utah.
  • B.D. Jeffs, K.F. Warnick, D.B. Campbell, G. Cortes-Medellin, S. Parshley, J. Cordes, T. Herter, C. Brum, and F. Cordova, “The Advanced L-Band Phased Array Camera for Arecibo (ALPACA): Design, Capabilities, and Status,” Arecibo Observatory Futures Workshop, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Feb. 17-20, 2019. Invited presentation.
  • D.B. Campbell, G. Cortes, S. Parshley, A. Vishwas, B.D. Jeffs, K.F. Warnick, P. Perillat, L. Quintero, and J. Gago, “ALPACA: Its Genesis and Development History,” Arecibo Observatory Futures Workshop, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Feb. 17-20, 2019. Invited presentation.
  • M. C. Burnett, B. D. Jeffs, K. F. Warnick, D. Campbell, G. Cortes-Medellin, S. Parshley, A. Vishwas, “ALPACA Beamformer Digital Back End Development,” The 2019 CASPER Workshop and PIRE Summer School, Cambridge, MA, USA, Aug. 12-16, 2019.
  • M. Lambert* and B.D. Jeffs, “Radio Frequency Interference Cancellation, Appraisal, Detection, and Correction,” ngVLA Memo Series, National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO), memo 56, Feb. 2019
  • K. M. Rajwade, D. Agarwal, D. R. Lorimer, N. M. Pingel, D. J. Pisano, M. Ruzindana*, B. Jeffs, K. Warnick, D.A. Roshi, and M. A. McLaughlin, “A 21 cm pilot survey for pulsars and transients using the Focal L-Band Array for the Green Bank Telescope,” Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, August 2019, 10 pages, archive access: arXiv:1908.02690 [astro-ph.HE].
  • R.A. Black*, B.D. Jeffs, and Karl F. Warnick, “Deep, Broad Null Formation For Canceling Moving RF in Radio Astronomical Arrays,” Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation, date of acceptance for publication: November 12, 2018, published December 21, 2018, DOI: 10.1142/S2251171719400038.
  • Warnick, Karl F., Maaskant, Rob, Ivashina, Marianna V., Davidson, David B., & Jeffs, Brian D. (July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2018). Phased Arrays for Radio Astronomy, Remote Sensing, and Satellite Communications. Book, Scholarly. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, Great Britain. , 413 pages.
  • Anish Roshi, D., Shillue, W., Simon, B., Warnick, Karl Foster, Jeffs, Brian D, Jeffs, Brian D, Pisano, D. J., Prestage, R., White, S., Fisher, J. R., Morgan, M., Black, R., Burnett, M., Diao, J., Ruzindana, M., van Tonder, V., Hawkins, L., Marganian, P., Chamberlin, T., Ray, J., Pingel, N. M., Rajwade, K., Lorimer, D. R., Rane, A., Castro, J., Groves, W., Jensen, L., Nelson, J. D., Boyd, T., & Beasley, A. J.. (No date available). Performance of a Highly Sensitive, 19-element, Dual-polarization, Cryogenic L-band Phased Array Feed on the Green Bank Telescope. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Astrophysical Journal, American Astronomical Society, Washington DC.
  • Burnett, Mitchell C., Jeffs, Brian D, Black, Richard A., & Warnick, Karl Foster. (12 March 2018). Subarray Processing for Projection-based RFI Mitigation in Radio Astronomical Interferometers. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Astronomical Journal, American Astronomical Society, Washington DC, USA. 155 (4) doi:10.3847/1538-3881/aaae6f
  • Jeffs, Brian D, Warnick, Karl Foster, Black, Richard A., Ruzindanna, Mark, Burnett, Mitchell, Pisano, D. J., Lorimer, D. R., Pingel, N., Rajwade, K., Prestae, R. M., White, S., Simon, B., Hawkins, L., Shillue, W., & Roshi, A.. (14 November 2017). Beamformer and Calibration Performance for the Focal-plane L-band Array feed for the Green Bank Telescope (FLAG). Conference Proceedings. PAF Workshop 2017, Phased Array Feed Workshop, CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science (CASS), Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. , 1 page. isbn:978 0 646 98052 2
  • Anish Roshi, D., Shillue, W., Fisher, J. R., Morgan, M., Castro, J., Groves, W., Boyd, T., Simon, B., Hawkins, L., van Tonder, V., Nelson, J. D., Ray, J., Chamberlain, T., White, S., Black, R., Warnick, Karl F., Jeffs, Brian D, & Prestage, R.. (19 August 2017). A highly-sensitive cryogenic phased array feed for the Green Bank Telescope. Conference Proceedings. General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI GASS), 2017 XXXIInd, IEEE, Montreal, Canada. doi:10.23919/URSIGASS.2017.8105219
  • Shillue, W., Roshi, D. A., Fisher, J. R., Morgan, M. A., Castro, J., Groves, W., Boyd, T., Prestage, R., White, S., Simon, R., van Tonder, V., Nelson, J. D., Ray, J., Chamberlain, T., Warnick, Karl Foster, & Jeffs, Brian D. (January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2017). An L-band cryogenic phased array for the Green Bank Telescope: Instrumentation upgrades and expanded field-of-view. Conference Proceedings. USNC - URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine, Boulder, Colorado.
  • Jeffs, Brian D, Black, R. A., & Warnick, Karl Foster. (January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2017). Array Processing Methods for Radio Astronomical RFI Mitigation: A Case Study for the ngVLA. Conference Proceedings. USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting, The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine, Boulder, Colorado.
  • Pingel, Nicholas M, Black, Richard A, Pisano, D. J., & Jeffs, Brian D. (01 January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2017). Results from the Latest Commissioning Run of a Cryogenically Cooled Phased Array Feed for the Green Bank Telescope. Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of the USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting 2017, The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine, Boulder, Colorado. , 1 page.
  • Black, Richard Alan, & Jeffs, Brian D. (No date available). Deep Broad Null Formation via Orthogonal Projection and Subspace Tracking for Partially Calibrated Arrays. Journal Article, Academic Journal. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA.
  • Diao, J., Black, R., Warnick, Karl Foster, Jeffs, Brian D, Erickson, N., & Narayanan, G.. (2016). Experimental tests of a mm-wave array feed for the Green Bank Telescope. Conference Proceedings. 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and CNC/USNC-URSI Meeting, .
  • Diao, J., Black, R. A., Warnick, Karl Foster, Jeffs, Brian D, & Erickson, N.. (2016). Performance analysis of a mm-wave phased array feed for the Green Bank Telescope. Conference Proceedings. URSI National Radio Science Meeting, . , 1.
  • Black, R. A., Brady, J. M., Jeffs, Brian D, Diao, J., & Warnick, Karl Foster. (2016). Phased-array 64-element 20-MHz receiver for data capture and real-time beamforming. Conference Proceedings. URSI National Radio Science Meeting, . , 1.
  • Warnick, Karl Foster, Maaskant, Rob, Ivashina, Marianna V., Davidson, David B., & Jeffs, Brian D. (2016). High sensitivity phased array receivers for radio astronomy. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Proceedings of the IEEE, IEEE, USA. doi:10.1109/JPROC.2015.2491886
  • Jeffs, Brian D, Black, R. A., & Warnick, Karl Foster. (October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2016). Array Processing Methods for Radio Astronomical RFI Mitigation: Assessment of the State of the Art. Conference Proceedings. RFI 2016, Coexisting with Radio Frequency Interference, NRAO, Socorro, New Mexico.
  • Black, R. A., & Jeffs, Brian D. (October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2016). Spatial Null Broadening for Smeared RFI Mitigation in Phased Array Feed Radio Astronomy. Conference Proceedings. RFI 2016, Coexisting with Radio Frequency Interference, NRAO.
  • Jeffs, Brian D, Black, R., Diao, J., Ruzindana, M., Warnick, Karl Foster, Prestage, R., Ford, J., White, S., Simon, R., Roshi, A., van Tonder, V., Pingel, N., Rajwade, K., Pisano, D. J., & Lorimer, D.. (August 2016). Early commissioning results from the Focal L-band array for the Green Bank Telescope (FLAG). Conference Proceedings. PAF2016 Phased Array Feed Workshop, .
  • Roshi, D., Shillue, W., Fisher, J. R., Morgan, M., Castro, J., Groves, W., Camberline, T., Prestage, R., Ray, J., Simon, R., van Tonder, V., White, S., Warnick, Karl Foster, & Jeffs, Brian D. (24 August 2016). Focal L-band array for the GBT (FLAG): instrumentation upgrades and initial commissioning results. Conference Proceedings. PAF2016 Phased Array Feed Workshop, .
  • Cortes-Medellin, G., Parshley, S., Campbell, D. B., Warnick, Karl Foster, Jeffs, Brian D, & Rajagopalan, G.. (9 August 2016). Concept design of an 80-dual polarization element cryogenic phased array camera for the Arecibo Radio Telescope. Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of SPIE 9908, SPIE. Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VI, 99085F doi:10.1117/12.2233899
  • Diao, Junming, Black, Richard, Brady, Jay, Sypherd, Josh, Warnick, Karl Foster, & Jeffs, Brian D. (2015). Modeling and system development for the FLAG L-band phased array feed for large-dish astronomical observations. Conference Proceedings. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, Piscataway, NJ, USA. doi:10.1109/USNC-URSI.2015.7303647
  • Wu, Yifeng, Black, Richard A, Jeffs, Brian D, & Warnick, Karl Foster. (August 2015). Cancelling non-linear processing products due to strong out-of-band interference in radio astronomical arrays. Conference Proceedings. Signal Processing and Signal Processing Education Workshop (SP/SPE), 2015 IEEE, IEEE Signal Processing Society, Piscataway, NJ, USA. , 272–277. doi:10.1109/DSP-SPE.2015.7369565
  • Black, Richard A, Jeffs, Brian D, Warnick, Karl Foster, Hellbourg, Gregory, & Chippendale, Aaron. (August 2015). Multi-tier interference-cancelling array processing for the ASKAP radio telescope. Conference Proceedings. Signal Processing and Signal Processing Education Workshop (SP/SPE), 2015 IEEE, IEEE Signal Processing Society, Pscataway, NJ, USA. , 261–266. doi:10.1109/DSP-SPE.2015.7369563
  • Roshi, D Anish, Warnick, Karl Foster, Brandt, Joe, Fisher, J Richard, Ford, Pam, Jeffs, Brian D, Marganian, Paul, McLeod, Morgan, Mello, Melinda, Morgan, Matthew, & others, . (July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2015). A 19 element Cryogenic Phased Array Feed for the Green Bank Telescope. Conference Proceedings. 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and CNC/USNC-URSI Meeting, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, Piscataway, NJ, USA. doi:10.1109/APS.2015.7305077
  • Roshi, D. A., Warnick, Karl Foster, Brandt, J., Fisher, J. R., Ford, P., Jeffs, Brian D, Marganian, P., McLeod, M., Mello, M., Morgan, M., Norrod, R., Shillue, W., Simon, R., & White, S.. (July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2015). A 64 element 70-95 GHz focal plane phased array. Conference Proceedings. 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and CNC/USNC-URSI Meeting, .
  • Cortes-Medellin, German, Viswash, Amit, Parsley, Steven, Campbell, Donald B., Perilat, Phil, Black, Richard, Brady, Jay, Warnick, Karl Foster, & Jeffs, Brian D. (June 2015). A Fully Cryogenic Phased Array Camera for Radio Astronomy. Journal Article, Academic Journal. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA. 63 (6) doi:10.1109/TAP.2015.2415527
  • Hellbourg, G., Chippendale, A. P., Kesteven, M. J., & Jeffs, Brian D. (3 December 2014). Reference antenna-based subspace tracking for RFI mitigation in radio astronomy. Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP-14), IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA.
  • Elmer, Mike, Jeffs, Brian D, & Warnick, Karl Foster. (September 2014). Reducing relative gain and noise response variations for phased array feed imaging of radio astronomical sources. Journal Article, Academic Journal. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, IEEE. 62 (12) , 6067-6080.
  • Hotan, Aidan, Bunton, J., Harvey-Smith, L., Humphreys, B., Jeffs, Brian D, Shimwell, T., Tuthill, J., Voronkov, M., & , & 93 additional authors not shown, listed alphabetically. (4 September 2014). The Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder System Architecture and Specifications of the Boolardy Engineering Test Array. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia (PASA), Cambridge University Press. , 16.
  • Warnick, Karl Foster, Jeffs, Brian D, Diao, J., Black, R., Brady, J., Roshi, A., Shillue, B., White, S., Simon, B., & Fisher, R.. (3 August 2014). Experimental Tests and Signal Processing for a Cryogenic L-band Phased Array Feed on the Green Bank Telescope. Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of the IEEE 2014 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA-14), IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA.
  • Cortes-Medellin, G., Vishwas, A., Parshley, S. C., Campbell, D. B., Perilatt, P., Black, R., Brady, J., Warnick, K. F., & Jeffs, Brian D. (No date available). A Fully Cryogenic Phased Array Camera for Radio Astronomoy. Journal Article, Academic Journal. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA.
  • Swindlehurst, A. Lee, Jeffs, Brian D, Seco-Grenados, Gonzalo, & Li, Jian. (7 October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2013). Applications of Array Signal Processing. Book, Chapter/ Section in Scholarly Book. Academic Press Library in Signal Processing, Academic Press / Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. (1st. Ed.) , 73 pages. isbn:9780124115972
  • Jeffs, Brian D, & Warnick, Karl Foster. (January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2013). Spatial array processing methods for radio astronomical RFI mitigation. Conference Proceedings. URSI National Radio Science Meeting, , Boulder, CO.
  • Warnick, Karl Foster, & Jeffs, Brian D. (January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2013). Tutorial: Phased Array Antennas for Radio Astronomy. Conference Proceedings. 2013 USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, United States. , T.B.D..
  • Elmer, Michael J, Jeffs, Brian D, & Warnick, Karl Foster. (January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2013). Long-term Calibration Stability of a Radio Astronomical Phased Array Feed. Journal Article, Academic Journal. The Astronomical Journal, American Astronomical Society, IOPscience, Philadelphia, PA, USA. AJ, 145,24 (January 2013) , 11.
  • Elmer, Michael J., Jeffs, Brian D, Warnick, Karl Foster, Fisher, James Richard, & Roshi, D. Anish. (September 2012). Calibration and Field Flattening for Single Dish Astronomical Phased Array Feed Radio Camera Imaging. Conference Proceedings. Electromagnetics in Advanced Application (ICEAA), 2012 International Conference on, IEEE, Piscatway, NJ, United States. (DOI: 10.1109/ICEAA.2012.6328775) , 958-961.
  • Warnick, Karl Foster, Webb, Taylor, Adhikari, M., Jeffs, Brian D, Elmer, Michael J., Asthana, Vikas, Fuller, Megan, Jin, Chengjin, Yang, Wu, Roshi, R. Anish, & Fisher, James Richard. (September 2012). Progress in high sensitivity phased array feeds for large single-dish radio telescopes. Conference Proceedings. Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), 2012 International Conference on, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, United States. (doi: 10.1109/ICEAA.2012.6328620) , 199-201.
  • Landon, Jonathan, Jeffs, Brian D, & Warnick, Karl Foster. (March 2012). Model-Based Subspace Projection Beamforming for Deep Interference Nulling. Journal Article, Academic Journal. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, IEEE Signal Processing Society, Piscataway NJ, USA. 60 (3) , 1215-1228.
  • Landon, Jonathan, Jeffs, Brian D, Warnick, Karl Foster, Fisher, J. Richard, & Norrod, Roger D.. (February 2012). Beamformer Design Methods for Radio Astronomical Phased Array Feeds. Journal Article, Academic Journal. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, Piscataway NJ, USA. 60 (2) , 903-914.
  • Warnick, Karl Foster, Carter, D., Webb, T., Landon, J., Elmer, M., & Jeffs, Brian D. (July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2011). Design and characterization of an active impedance matched low noise phased array feed. Journal Article, Academic Journal. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,, . 59 (6) , 1876-1885.
  • Warnick, Karl Foster, Jeffs, Brian D, Landon, J, Elmer, M, Carter, D, Webb, T, Asthana, V, Fisher, J R, Norrod, R, Roshi, A, & Cortes, G. (May 2011). Recent PAF developments at BYU/NRAO. Conference Proceedings. 2011 Workshop on Phased Array Feeds for the Square Kilometre Array (PAFSKA2011), .
  • Landon, J, Jeffs, Brian D, Warnick, Karl Foster, Carter, D, Webb, T, Elmer, M, Norrod, R, & Fisher, J R. (January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2011). An interference canceling phased array feed for the Green Bank Telescope. Conference Proceedings. URSI National Radio Science Meeting, .
  • Warnick, Karl Foster, & Jeffs, Brian D. (January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2011). Progress in phased array feeds for wide-field radio astronomical observations at Brigham Young University. Conference Proceedings. Snowbird Workshop on Particle Astrophysics, Astronomy, and Cosmology, .
  • Warnick, Karl Foster, Jeffs, Brian D, Carter, David, Webb, Taylor, Elmer, Michael, Norrod, Roger, & Fisher, Richard. (October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2010). Active impedance matching, calibration, and interference mitigation for the BYU/NRAO L-Band Phased array feed. Conference Proceedings. IEEE International Symposium on Phased Array Systems & Technology, IEEE.
  • 4. M. V. Ivashina, S. J. Wijnholds, Maaskant, R., Warnick, Karl Foster, & Jeffs, Brian D. (August 2010). Polarimetric beamforming methods for PAF systems. Conference Proceedings. CALIM 2010: The 5th SKA Workshop on Calibration and Imaging, .
  • Warnick, Karl Foster, Carter, D. E., Webb, T., Jeffs, Brian D, Norrod, R., & Fisher, J. R.. (May 2010). Active impedance matched dual-polarization phased array feed for the GBT. Conference Proceedings. International Workshop on Phased Array Antenna Systems for Radio Astronomy, .
  • Elmer, M., Jeffs, Brian D, & Warnick, Karl Foster. (May 2010). Beamformer design methods for phased array feeds. Conference Proceedings. International Workshop on Phased Array Antenna Systems for Radio Astronomy, .
  • Landon, J., Jeffs, Brian D, & Warnick, Karl Foster. (May 2010). Deep nulling interference cancelation for phased array feeds. Conference Proceedings. International Workshop on Phased Array Antenna Systems for Radio Astronomy, .
  • Cortes-Medellin, G., Warnick, Karl Foster, & Jeffs, Brian D. (May 2010). Obtaining the simulated response of a 19 element focal phased array for the feasibility study for the Arecibo radio telescope. Conference Proceedings. International Workshop on Phased Array Antenna Systems for Radio Astronomy, .
  • Norrod, R., Fisher, J. R., Jeffs, Brian D, & Warnick, Karl Foster. (May 2010). Steps toward a cryogenic L-band phased array feed for reflector antennas. Conference Proceedings. International Workshop on Phased Array Antenna Systems for Radio Astronomy, .
  • Landon, J., Elmer, M., Waldron, J., Jones, D., Stemmons, A., Jeffs, Brian D, Warnick, Karl Foster, Fisher, J. R., & Norrod, R. D.. (March 2010). Phased array feed calibration, beamforming, and imaging. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Astronomical Journal, American Astronomical Society, Philadelphia, PA. 139 , 1154-1167.
  • Elmer, Michael, & Jeffs, Brian D. (March 2010). Beamformer Design for Radio Astronomical Phased Array Feeds. Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP-2010, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, Piscataway NJ, USA. , 2790-2793.
  • Warnick, Karl Foster, Carter, D., Webb, T., Jeffs, Brian D, Landon, J., Elmer, M., Fisher, J. R., & Norrod, R.. (January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2010). Sensitivity optimization and signal processing for the BYU/NRAO L-band phased array feed. Conference Proceedings. URSI National Radio Science Meeting, .
  • Jeffs, Brian D, & Warnick, Karl Foster. (April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2009). Spectral bias in adaptive beamforming with narrowband interference. Journal Article, Academic Journal. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, IEEE Signal Processing Society, Piscataway NJ. 57 , 1373-1382.
  • Jeffs, Brian D, & Warnick, Karl Foster. (April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2009). Spectral bias in adaptive beamforming with narrowband interference. Journal Article, Academic Journal. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, . 57 , 1373-1382.
  • Warnick, Karl Foster, Jeffs, Brian D, Landon, J., Waldron, J., Jones, D., Fisher, J. R., & Norrod, R.. (March 2009). Beamforming and Imaging with the BYU/NRAO L-Band 19-Element Phased Array Feed. Conference Proceedings. Canadian Radio Sciences Meeting, ANTEM/URSI 2009, Proc. of the 13th International Symposium on , Banff, AB, Canada. DOI: 10.1109/ANTEMURSI.2009.4805125 , 4.
  • Warnick, Karl Foster, Jeffs, Brian D, Landon, J., Waldron, J., Jones, D. A., Fisher, R., & Norrod, R.. (February 2009). Beamforming and imaging with the BYU/NRAO L-band phased array feed. Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics, .
  • Warnick, Karl Foster, & Jeffs, Brian D. (October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2008). Efficiencies and system temperature for a focal plane array. Journal Article, Academic Journal. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, Piscataway, NJ. 7 , 564-567.
  • Jeffs, Brian D, Warnick, Karl Foster, Landon, J., Waldron, J., Jones, D., Fisher, J. R., & Norrod, R. D.. (October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2008). Signal processing for phased array feeds in radio astronomical telescopes. Journal Article, Academic Journal. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, IEEE Signal Processing Society, Piscataway, NJ. 2 , 635-646.
  • Jeffs, Brian D, Warnick, Karl Foster, Landon, J., Waldron, J., Jones, D., Fisher, J. R., & Norrod, R. D.. (October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2008). Signal processing for phased array feeds in radio astronomical telescopes. Journal Article, Academic Journal. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, . 2 , 635-646.
  • Warnick, Karl Foster, Jeffs, Brian D, Landon, J., Waldron, J., Jones, D., Fisher, R., & Norrod, R.. (August 2008). BYU/NRAO 19-element phased array feed modeling and experimental results. Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of URSI General Assembly, .
  • Landon, J. C., Jeffs, Brian D, Warnick, Karl Foster, Fisher, J. R., & Norrod, R. D.. (August 2008). Improved low INR interference cancellation using phased array feeds. Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of URSI General Assembly, .
  • Elmer, M. J., Landon, J., Jeffs, Brian D, Warnick, Karl Foster, Fisher, R., & Norrod, R.. (August 2008). Optimizing phased array feeds to reduce elevation dependant spillover noise in radio telescopes. Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of URSI General Assembly, .
  • Jeffs, Brian D, & Warnick, Karl Foster. (July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2008). Bias Corrected PSD Estimation for an Adaptive Array with Moving Interference. Journal Article, Academic Journal. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, IEEE Signal Processing Society, Piscataway, NJ. 56 , 3108-3121.
  • Jeffs, Brian D, & Warnick, Karl Foster. (July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2008). Bias corrected PSD estimation for an adaptive array with moving interference. Journal Article, Academic Journal. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, . 56 , 3108-3121.
  • Waldron, J. S., Jones, D. A., Warnick, Karl Foster, & Jeffs, Brian D. (July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2008). Effects of focal plane array offset and beam steering on sensitivity. Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, .
  • Waldron, Jill, Jones, D. A., Warnick, Karl Foster, & Jeffs, Brian D. (July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2008). Effects of focal plane array offset and beam steering on sensitivity. Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, .
  • Jones, D. A., Warnick, Karl Foster, Jeffs, Brian D, Landon, J., & Waldron, J.. (July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2008). Modeled and measured mutual impedances, element patterns, and sensitivity for a 19 element focal plane array. Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society.
  • Jones, D. A., Warnick, Karl Foster, Jeffs, Brian D, Landon, J., & Waldron, J.. (June 2008). Modeled and measured mutual impedances, element patterns, and sensitivity for a 19 element focal plane array. Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, .
  • Landon, J., Jones, D., Jeffs, Brian D, Warnick, Karl Foster, Fisher, R., & Norrod, R.. (January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2008). Interference cancellation and sensitivity optimization using an L-band focal plane array on the Green Bank 20m Telescope. Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder CO. Jan 3-6, 2008, .
  • Warnick, Karl Foster, Jones, D., Jeffs, Brian D, & Jensen, Michael Allen. (January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2008). Noise penalty due to mutual coupling for receive arrays. Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of the 2008 USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, . , BS11-5.
  • Warnick, Karl Foster, Jones, D., Jeffs, Brian D, & Jensen, Michael Allen. (January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2008). Noise penalty due to mutual coupling for recieve arrays. Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, Jan. 3-6 2008, .
  • Nagel, J. R., Warnick, Karl Foster, Jeffs, Brian D, Fisher, J. R., & Bradley, R.. (December 2007). Experimental verification of radio frequency interference mitigation with a focal plane array feed. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Radio Science, American Geophysical Union (AGU). 42 , doi:10.1029/2007RS003630.
  • Nagel, J. R., Warnick, Karl Foster, Jeffs, Brian D, Fisher, J. R., & Bradley, R.. (2007). Experimental verification of radio frequency interference mitigation with a focal plane array feed. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Radio Science, doi:10.1029/2007RS003630. 42
  • Warnick, Karl Foster, Waldron, J., Landon, J., Lolrose, M., & Jeffs, Brian D. (November 2007). Experimental results on interference mitigation with a 19 element array feed. Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of 2nd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Edinburgh, UK, Nov. 11-16, 2007, .
  • van der Tol, Sebastiaan, Jeffs, Brian D, & van der Veen, Alle-Jan. (September 2007). Self Calibration for the LOFAR Radio Astronomical Array. Journal Article, Academic Journal. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, IEEE Signal Processing Society, Piscataway, NJ. 55 , 4497-4510.
  • Jeffs, Brian D, & Warnick, Karl Foster. (April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2007). Bias Corrected PSD Estimation with an Interference Canceling Array. Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP-2007, IEEE Signal Processing Society, Piscataway, NJ. II , 1145-1148.
  • Warnick, Karl Foster, & Jeffs, Brian D. (December 2006). Gain and Aperture Efficiency for a Reflector Antenna With an Array Feed. Journal Article, Academic Journal. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society. 5 , 499-502.
  • Warnick, Karl Foster, & Jeffs, Brian D. (October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2006). Gain and aperture efficiency for a reflector antenna with an array feed. Journal Article, Academic Journal. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, . 5 , 499-502.
  • Nagel, J. R., Lillrose, M. A., Warnick, Karl Foster, & Jeffs, Brian D. (July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2006). Prototype platform for array feed development. Abstract. Proceedings of USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, IEEE. , 1 page.
  • Jeffs, Brian D, Lazarte, Weizhen, & Fisher, James R.. (June 2006). Bayesian Detection of Radar Interference in Radio Astronomy. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Radio Science, American Geophysical Union (AGU). 41 , doi:10.1029/2005RS003400.
  • Jeffs, Brian D, ver der Tol, Sebastiaan, & van der Veen, Alle-Jan. (May 2006). Direction Dependent Self Calibration of Large Distributed Sensor Arrays. Conference Proceedings. Proc. of IEEE International Conf. Acous., Speech, and Sig. Proc., ICASSP-2006, IEEE Signal Processing Society. IV , 1069-1072.
  • Poulsen, A. J., Jeffs, Brian D, Warnick, Karl Foster, & Fisher, R.. (December 2005). Programmabel Real-time Cancellation of GLONASS Interference with the Green Bank Telescope. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Astronomical Journal, American Astronomical Society, Washington D.C.. 130
  • Poulsen, A. J., Jeffs, Brian D, Warnick, Karl Foster, & Fisher, J. R.. (December 2005). Programmable real-time cancellation of GLONASS interference with the Green Bank Telescope. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Astronomical Journal, . 130 , 2916-2927.
  • van der Tol, S., Jeffs, Brian D, & van der Veen, A-J.. (September 2005). Direction Dependent Calibration for Radio Astronomical Arrays. Conference Proceedings. Proc. of EUSIPCO-2005, The European Association for Signal, Speech and Image Processing (EURASIP).
  • Hansen, C. K., Warnick, Karl Foster, Jeffs, Brian D, Fisher, J. R., & Bradley, R.. (June 2005). Interference mitigation using a focal plane array. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Radio Science, . 40 , 14 pages.
  • Dong, W., Jeffs, Brian D, & Fisher, J. R.. (June 2005). RFI Blanking in Radio Astronomy using Kalman Tracking. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Radio Science, American Geophysical Union (AGU), Washington D.C.. 40 , RS5S04, doi:10.1029/2004RS003138.
  • Dong, Weizhen, & Jeffs, Brian D. (March 2005). A Kalman-Tracker-Based Bayesian Detector for RADAR Interference. Conference Proceedings. Proc. of IEEE International Conf. Acous., Speech, and Sig. Pr, IEEE Signal Processing Society, Piscataway, NJ. IV , 657-660.
  • Dong, W., Jeffs, Brian D, & Fisher, J. R.. (March 2005). A Kalman-Tracker-Based Bayesian Detector for Radar Interference in Radio Astronomy. Conference Proceedings. Proc. of IEEE International Conf. Acous., Speech, and Sig. Proc., ICASSP-2005, IEEE Signal Processing Society, New Jersey. IV , 657-660.
  • Boonstra, A. J., Wijnholds, S. J., van der Tol, S., & Jeffs, Brian D. (March 2005). CALIBRATION, SENSITIVITY AND RFI MITIGATION REQUIREMENTS FOR LOFAR AND SKA. Conference Proceedings. Proc. of IEEE International Conf. Acous., Speech, and Sig. Proc., ICASSP-2005, IEEE, Piscataway NJ. V , 869-872.
  • Jeffs, Brian D, Li, L., & Warnick, Karl Foster. (February 2005). Auxiliary Antenna-Assisted Interference Mitigation for Radio Astronomy Arrays. Journal Article, Academic Journal. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ. 53 (2005) , 439-451.
  • Jeffs, Brian D, Li, L., & Warnick, Karl Foster. (February 2005). Auxiliary assisted interference mitigation for radio astronomy arrays. Journal Article, Academic Journal. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, . 53 , 439-451.
  • Hansen, C., Warnick, Karl Foster, Jeffs, Brian D, Fisher, R., & Bradley, R.. (July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2004). Interference Mitigation Using an Array Feed. Conference Proceedings. Workshop in Mitigation of Radio Frequency Interference in Radio Astronomy, Proceedings of RFI2004, IUCAD DRAO Workshop in Mitigation of Radio Frequency Interference in Radio A, Penticton, British Columbia.
  • Dong, W., & Jeffs, Brian D. (July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2004). Kalman Tracking and Bayesian Detection for Radar RFI Blanking. Conference Proceedings. RFI2004, IUCAD DRAO Workshop in Mitigation of Radio Frequency Interference in Radio Astronomy, Proceedings of RFI2004, IUCAD DRAO Workshop in Mitigation of Radio Frequency Interference in Radio A, Penticton, British Columbia.
  • Wallace, Jon, Jeffs, Brian D, & Jensen, Michael Allen. (June 2004). A Real-time Multiple Antenna Element Testbed for MIMO Algorithm Development and Assessment. Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, IEEE, New York. 2 , 1716-1719.
  • Wallace, Jon, Jeffs, Brian D, & Jensen, Michael Allen. (June 2004). A real-time multiple antenna element testbed for MIMO algorithm development and assessment. Conference Proceedings. 2004 IEEE AP-S International Symposium Digest, IEEE, New York. 2 , 1716-1719.
  • Hansen, C. K., Warnick, Karl Foster, & Jeffs, Brian D. (June 2004). Interference cancellation using an array feed design for radio telescopes. Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, IEEE, New York. 1 , 539-542.
  • Hansen, C. K., Warnick, Karl Foster, & Jeffs, Brian D. (June 2004). Interference cancellation using an array feed design for radio telescopes. Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ. , 539-542.
  • Shelton, N. B., & Jeffs, Brian D. (May 2004). A Robust Iterative Algorithm for Wireless MIMO Array Auto Calibration. Conference Proceedings. Proc. of IEEE International Conf. Acous., Speech, and Sig. Proc., ICASSP-2004, IEEE Signal Processing Society, Piscateway, NJ. II , 341-344.