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Michael Mudrow

Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP


I graduated from BYU in electrical engineering in 2019, then went straight into law school that fall at the University of Texas at Austin. My plan was to become a patent attorney to help inventors secure and protect their rights. After 3 years of law school during a pandemic, I graduated from law school, passed the patent bar and the Texas state bar exam, and started work as a patent attorney at the law firm Norton Rose Fulbright in Dallas, Texas in September, 2022. My practice has given me the chance to work on a large variety of technologies, patents, and patent related work, including patent drafting and prosecution, patent litigation in Federal court and at the US Patent Office, and freedom to operate analysis. I really enjoy this kind of work because it gives me the chance to be continually learning new technologies, and it stretches my mind to new ideas. I am married with two kids at the time of writing, so any time that I am not working on patent law I prefer to spend with them. I also enjoy collecting and playing modern hobby board games and hosting game nights.