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Phil Lundrigan

Assistant Professor

Office: 450J EB


Philip B. Lundrigan received the B.S. degree in Computer Engineering from Brigham Young University in 2012 and the Ph.D. in Computer Science at the University of Utah in 2018. His main research focuses are the Internet of Things, remote sensor deployments, and wireless network management. He is interested in building real systems that enhance and extend wireless networks. He is passionate about measuring and understanding air quality to help improve health. As part of an NIH grant, he designed, built, and deployed an IoT architecture for in-home environmental sensors for epidemiological studies. He has deployed air quality sensors all over Utah and in Mongolia.


  • Lundrigan, Philip Brandon, Min, Kyeong T, Patwari, Neal, Kasera, Sneha Kumar, Kelly, Kerry, Moore, Jimmy, Meyer, Miriah, Collingwood, Scott C, Nkoy, Flory, Stone, Bryan, & others, . (No date available). EpiFi: An In-Home IoT Architecture for Epidemiological Deployments. Journal Article, Academic Journal. .
  • Strayer, Tim, Nelson, Samuel, Caro, Amando, Khoury, Joud, Tedesco, Bryan, DeRosa, Olivia, Clark, Carsten, Sadeghi, Kolia, Matthews, Michael, Kurzer, Jake, & others, . (2018). Content sharing with mobility in an infrastructure-less environment. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Computer Networks. 144 , 1--16.
  • Moore, Jimmy, Goffin, Pascal, Meyer, Miriah, Lundrigan, Philip Brandon, Patwari, Neal, Sward, Katherine, & Wiese, Jason. (2018). Managing In-home Environments through Sensing, Annotating, and Visualizing Air Quality Data. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies. 2 (3) , 128.
  • Min, Kyeong T, Lundrigan, Philip Brandon, Sward, Katherine, Collingwood, Scott C, & Patwari, Neal. (2018). Smart home air filtering system: A randomized controlled trial for performance evaluation. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Smart Health.
  • Lundrigan, Philip Brandon, Kasera, Sneha Kumar, & Patwari, Neal. (2018). STRAP: Secure TRansfer of Association Protocol. Conference Proceedings. 27th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN 2018), .
  • Lundrigan, Philip Brandon, Min, Kyeong, Patwari, Neal, Kasera, Sneha, Kelly, Kerry, Moore, Jimmy, Meyer, Miriah, Collingwood, Scott C, Nkoy, Flory, Stone, Bryan, & others, . (2017). EpiFi: An In-Home Sensor Network Architecture for Epidemiological Studies. Journal Article, Academic Journal. IEEE Intl. Workshop on Practical Issues in Building Sensor Network Applications (SenseApp 2018).
  • Min, Kyeong T, Lundrigan, Philip Brandon, & Patwari, Neal. (2017). IASA-indoor air quality sensing and automation: demo abstract. Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of the 16th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, . , 277--278.
  • Lundrigan, Philip Brandon, Khaledi, Mojgan, Kano, Makito, Subramanyam, Naveen Dasa, & Kasera, Sneha. (2016). Mobile Live Video Upstreaming. Conference Proceedings. Teletraffic Congress (ITC 28), 2016 28th International, . 1 , 121--129.
  • Mager, Brad, Lundrigan, Philip Brandon, & Patwari, Neal. (2015). Fingerprint-based device-free localization performance in changing environments. Journal Article, Academic Journal. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. 33 (11) , 2429--2438.
  • Lavin, C, Padilla, M, Lamprecht, J, Lundrigan, Philip Brandon, Nelson, Brent Edwin, Hutchings, Brad L, & Wirthlin, Michael J. (2012). RapidSmith--A Library for Low-level Manipulation of Partially Placed-and-Routed FPGA Designs. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Technical Report, Dept. of Elec. and Comp. Eng., Brigham Young University.
  • Buck, Randy, Lee, Rich, Lundrigan, Philip Brandon, & Zappala, Daniel Mark Alexander. (2012). WiFu: A composable toolkit for experimental wireless transport protocols. Conference Proceedings. Mobile Adhoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), 2012 IEEE 9th International Conference on, . , 299--307.
  • Lavin, Christopher, Padilla, Marc, Lamprecht, Jaren, Lundrigan, Philip Brandon, Nelson, Brent Edwin, & Hutchings, Brad L. (2011). HMFlow: accelerating FPGA compilation with hard macros for rapid prototyping. Conference Proceedings. Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM), 2011 IEEE 19th Annual International Symposium on, . , 117--124.
  • Lavin, Christopher, Padilla, Marc, Lamprecht, Jaren, Lundrigan, Philip Brandon, Nelson, Brent Edwin, & Hutchings, Brad L. (2011). Rapidsmith: Do-it-yourself cad tools for xilinx fpgas. Conference Proceedings. Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL), 2011 International Conference on, . , 349--355.
  • Lavin, Christopher, Padilla, Marc, Lundrigan, Philip Brandon, Nelson, Brent Edwin, & Hutchings, Brad L. (2010). Rapid prototyping tools for FPGA designs: RapidSmith. Conference Proceedings. Field-Programmable Technology (FPT), 2010 International Conference on, . , 353--356.