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Graduate Courses

See here for ECEn Graduate Course Map

Regular Course offerings:

Semester or Term Offered
Course NumberFallWinterSpring SummerName
EC En 520XAdvanced Digital Systems
EC En 526Even yearsWireless Networking
EC En 528XHigh Performance Parallel Computing
EC En 543Odd yearsCMOS Amplifier Design
EC En 548Even yearsAnalog CMOS Circuit Design
EC En 549Odd yearsVLSI Communication Circuit Design
EC En 550Odd yearsMicroelectromechanical Systems (MEMS)
EC En 551XIntroduction to Digital VLSI Circuits
EC En 555Even yearsOptoelectronic Devices
EC En 562Even yearsOptical Communication Components and Systems
EC En 563Even yearsNumerical Methods for Engineering
EC En 564Odd yearsRadar and Communication Systems
EC En 567Even yearsPhysical Optics
EC En 568Even yearsMicrowave Remote Sensing
EC En 576Odd yearsMedical Imaging
EC En 595XFundamentals of Patents and Other Intellectual Property
EC En 625Odd yearsCompilation Strategies for High-Performance Systems
EC En 629Even yearsReconfigurable Computing Systems
EC En 631XRobotic Vision
EC En 633XRobotic Localization and Mapping
EC En 661Even yearsApplied Electromagnetics and Optics (replaces ECEn 560)
EC En 663Odd yearsHolography
EC En 665Odd yearsAntennas and Propagation
EC En 667Even yearsElectromagnetic Properties of Materials
EC En 670XStochastic Processes
EC En 671XMathematics of Signals and Systems
EC En 672XDetection and Estimation Theory
EC En 674XFlight Dynamics and Control (cross-listed as MeEn 634)
EC En 692XProfessional Writing for EC En
EC En 699RXXXXMaster's Thesis
EC En 770Even yearsInformation Theory
EC En 773Odd yearsLinear System Theory
EC En 774Even yearsNonlinear System Theory
EC En 776Odd yearsAdvanced Digital and Wireless Communications
EC En 777Odd yearsDigital Signal Processing
EC En 799RXXXXDoctoral Dissertation
IT&C 515RXXXSpecial Topics in IT&C
IT&C 515RXSOC Management
IT&C 515RXData Storage
IT&C 515RXVuln. Exploitation & Reverse Eng.
IT&C 529XAdvanced Networking
IT&C 530XScientific Computing
IT&C 544XSystems Administrator
IT&C 555XAdvanced Human-Computer Interaction
IT&C 562XCloud Architecture & Security
IS 565 / IT&C 566XXDigital Forensics
IT&C 567 / IS 567XXCybersecurity and Penetration Testing
IT&C 585XEncryption Implementation
IT&C 601XIntroduction to research
IT&C 670XWeb & Social Media Analytics
IT&C 695RXXXIT Special Topics
IT&C 699RXXXXThesis

Recent and planned special topics offerings (522R, 542R, 662R, 682R):

Note: Recent offerings are listed for historical purposes only; special topics courses are not regular courses and do not repeat. Some special topics courses prior to 2005 may not be listed.

Semester Offered
Course NumberFallWinterSpringName Instructor
EC En 522R2025Exploring Software Defined RadiosLundrigan
EC En 522R2024Hardware SecurityGoeders
EC En 682R2024Multi-Agent Autonomy and ControlPeterson
EC En 522R2023Digital VLSI CAD ToolsGoeders
ECEn 522R (Sec 1)2023Deep Learning for Autonomous VehiclesLee
EC En 522R (Sec 2)2023Graduate Teaching ExperienceWarnick
EC En 662R2023Nonlinear OpticsCamacho
EC En 682R2023Vision Based UAV FlightBeard
EC En 522R (Sec 1)2022Self-Driving CarsLee
EC En 522R (Sec 2)2022Graduate Teaching ExperienceWarnick
ECEn 662R2021Advanced HolographySmalley
ECEn 522R 2021Mobile Robotic SystemsMangelson
EC En 662R2021Nonlinear OpticsCamacho
ECEn 522R 2020Mobile Robotic SystemsMangelson
EC En 662R2019Nonlinear OpticsCamacho
EC En 682R2018Medical ImagingBangerter
EC En 682R2016Continuous Phase ModulationRice
EC En 662R2018Physical OpticsNordin
EC En 662R2014Electromagnetic Material PropertiesMazzeo
EC En 662R2014Physical OpticsNordin
EC En 522R2013Computer System ReliabilityWirthlin
EC En 522R2013Compiler Analysis and OptimizationPenry
EC En 662R2012Electromagnetic Material PropertiesMazzeo
EC En 662R2012Physical OpticsNordin
EC En 682R2012Medical ImagingBangeter
EC En 542R2011Wireless CMOS Circuits and SystemsComer
EC En 522R2011Introduction to AlgorithmsHutchings
EC En 522R2010Computer System ReliabilityWirthlin
EC En 662R2010Electromagnetic Material PropertiesMazzeo
EC En 522R2010Introduction to AlgorithmsHutchings
EC En 662R2010Physical OpticsNordin
EC En 662R2010Heterostructure DevicesSelfridge
EC En 542R2009Wireless CMOS Circuits and SystemsComer
EC En 682R2009Graduate WritingBeard
EC En 682R2009Biomedical ImagingBangeter
EC En 522R2009Introduction to AlgorithmsHutchings
EC En 682R2009Graduate SeminarWirthlin
EC En 522R2008Computer System ReliabilityWirthlin
EC En 682R2008Graduate WritingBeard
EC En 682R2008Graduate SeminarWirthlin
EC En 662R2008Physical OpticsNordin
EC En 662R2008Advanced Semiconductor DevicesSelfridge
EC En 542R2007Wireless MDS Communication Systems and CircuitsDave Comer
EC En 522R2007Advanced Writing for Graduate StudentsTanner
EC En 522R2007Geometry of Camera ImagingTaylor/Archibald
EC En 662R2007Physical OpticsNordin
EC En 662R2007Antennas and Propagation for Wireless CommunicationsWarnick
EC En 522R2006AgentsArchibald
EC En 522R2006Advanced Writing for Graduate StudentsTanner
EC En 662R2006Special Topics EM
EC En 522R2005Computer VisionLee
EC En 522R2005Code GenerationNelson
EC En 522R2005Embedded System Co-DesignWilde
EC En 662R2005Special Topics EMWarnick
EC En 662R2005Advanced WritingTanner
EC En 522R2004RobotsArchibald
EC En 542R2004Opto-Electronic DevicesHawkins
EC En 662R2004Advanced Optical EngineeringSchultz
EC En 522R2004Computer VisionLee
EC En 542R2003Opto-Electronic DevicesHawkins
EC En 662R2003Advanced Optical EngineeringSelfridge
EC En 662R2003Fields and Propagation for Wireless CommunicationsJensen
EC En 522R2002Special Topics in Computer SystemsArchibald
EC En 662R2002Advanced Optical EngineeringSchultz

Courses listed in the University Graduate Catalog which are not currently scheduled:

Semester or Term Offered
Course NumberFall WinterSpringName
EC En 521XIntroduction to Algorithm Design
EC En 523Even yearsComputer System Reliability
EC En 541Even yearsActive and Passive Filter Design
EC En 560Electromagnetic Wave Theory (merged with EC En 661 as of 2018)
EC En 775Odd yearsError-Control Coding

Retired Courses:

Course NumberName
EC En 621Computer Arithmetic
EC En 627Advanced Embedded Systems
EC En 654VLSI Systems Design
EC En 673Digital Control (cross-listed as MeEn 633)

This web page is provided for convenience and does not represent the official policy of the University, College, or Department. For official information please consult the graduate catalog at