IT&C Work Experience Skip to main content

IT&C Work Experience

Cosmo typing in the dark

As part of the Information Technology or Cybersecurity major, you are required to complete 200 hours of work experience in the industry. You do not need to register for credit in an academic internship course unless you are an international student working off-campus. You may also register for the internship class if you need to meet credit registration requirements for financial or other reasons.

It is important to note that if you are currently working in a job and have been calling it an internship, you must let the company know that you are not registered for an internship class and are not covered by BYU liability insurance.

You will have to prove your 200 work experience hours as part of the program requirements in IT 447 (the second semester of capstone). You will need a letter from your employer on company letterhead that states the following:

· Your name

· Your job title

· A short job description

· A statement that you worked at least 200 hours

· Signed and dated by your employer or someone higher in the company than yourself

Mail or bring this letter to: Alisha Wall, Brigham Young University, 230 SNLB, Provo, UT 84602. You may also fax the letter to (801) 422.0653 ATTN: Alisha Wall. You may email a scanned copy to Alisha Wall at as well as long as the letter is on company letterhead.

IT students should have a paid experience involving any of the IT domains of computing, which include networking, human-computer interaction, databases, web systems, programming, cybersecurity, and computer application domains.

Cybersecurity students should have a paid experience that involves cybersecurity activities, which could include defensive activities (e.g., securing databases, networks, mobile apps, websites), digital forensics, or penetration testing activities. Job titles may be things like security analyst, web or mobile developer, dev ops, network engineer, database engineer, etc.