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Daniel Smalley

Associate Professor

Office: 450D EB


Late on a stormy night (Friday the 13th it was!) a shrill cry pierced the darkness and Daniel Smalley was born. Young Daniel was a farmhand by day and an intrepid experimenter by night. He once used an old metal bucket, some sand and a computer fan to construct an aluminum furnace for melting pop-cans and old screen doors into machine tool parts. He also built a number of circuits, a methane digester, a wind-powered electrolysis machine, a laser and a number of fine origami creations of various shapes and sizes. He experimented a great deal with holography, and for this reason was led to attend MIT where he earned a B.S., M.Eng, M.S., and Ph.D. degrees while working to create the world's first low-cost holographic video monitor. Now as an associate BYU professor, he is working to make the 3D displays of science fiction a reality using waveguide-based modulators and optical tractor beam technologies.


  • Henrie, Andrew, Codling, Jesse R., Gneiting, Scott, Christensen, Justin B., Awerkamp, Parker, Burdette, Mark J., & Smalley, Daniel Elijah. (2018). Hardware and software improvements to a low-cost horizontal parallax holographic video monitor. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Applied Optics, The Optical Society. 57
  • Smalley, Daniel Elijah, Nygaard, E., Squire, K., Van Wagoner, J., Rasmussen, Jens J, Gneiting, S., Qaderi, K., Goodsell, J., Rogers, W., Lindsey, M., Costner, K., Monk, A., Pearson, M., Haymore, B., & Peatross, Justin B. (24 January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2018). A photophoretic-trap volumetric display. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Nature, . 553 , 486 - 490. doi:10.1038/nature25176 https://www.nature.com/articles/nature25176#supplementary-information
  • McLaughlin, Stephen, Gneiting, S. Gneiting, Henrie, Alexander, & Smalley, Daniel Elijah. (2017). Backside emission leaky-mode modulators. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Optics Express, The Optical Society. 25 (20622-20627)
  • Smalley, Daniel Elijah. (2017). Near-to-eye electroholography via guided-wave acousto-optics for augmented reality. Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of SPIE, .
  • , Kamran Qaderi, & Smalley, Daniel Elijah. (2017). Paired leaky-mode spatial light modulators with 28° total deflection angle. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Optics Letters, .
  • Smalley, Daniel Elijah. (2016). Optimizations for Robust, High-Efficiency, Waveguide-Based Holographic Video. Conference Proceedings. IEEE.
  • Smalley, Daniel Elijah. (2016). Progress in off-plane computer-generated waveguide holography for near-to-eye 3D display. Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of SPIE, .
  • Qaderi, Kamran, & Smalley, Daniel Elijah. (5 September 2016). Leaky-mode waveguide modulators with high deflection angle for use in holographic video displays. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Optics Express, Optical Society of America. 24 (18) doi:https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.24.020831
  • McLaughlin, Stephen, Leach, Christopher, Gneiting, Scott, Bove, V. Michael, Jolly, Sundeep , & Smalley, Daniel Elijah. (No date available). Progress on waveguide-based holographic video [invited]. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Chinese Optics Letters, .
  • Gneitling, Scott, Kimball, Jacob, Henrie, Andrew, McLaughlin, Stephen, DeGraw, Taylor, & Smalley, Daniel Elijah. (No date available). Characterization of Anisotropic Leaky Mode Modulators for Holovideo. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Journal of Visualized Experiments, .
  • Smalley, Daniel Elijah, Stephen, McLaughlin, Leach, Christopher , Kimball, Jacob, Bove, Jr., V. Michael , & Jolly, Sundeep. (No date available). Progress on Characterization and Optimization of Leaky Mode Modulators for Holographic Video. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS , SPIE.
  • McLaughlin, Stephen, Leach, Christopher, Henrie, Andrew, & Smalley, Daniel Elijah. (20 April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2015). Optimized guided-to-leaky-mode device for graphics processing unit controlled frequency division of color. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Applied Optics, OSA.
  • Smalley, Daniel Elijah. (14 February 2015). Light at the end of a tunnel. Magazine Article. The Economist, .
  • Henrie, Drew, Haymore, Benjamin, & Smalley, Daniel Elijah. (3 February 2015). Frequency Division Color Characterization Apparatus for Anisotropic Leaky Mode Light Modulators. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Review of Scientific Instruments, AIP.
  • Henrie, Drew, Haymore, Benjamin, Zhang, Luna, Alrabidi, Dunia, Smalley, Daniel Elijah, Bove Jr., V. Michael, & Jolly, Sundeep. (July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2014). Progress on a low-cost holographic video monitor. Conference Proceedings. 2014 Imaging and Applied Optics Congress, Optical Society of America, Washington, DC, USA.
  • Smalley, DE, Smithwick, QYJ, Bove, VM, Barabas, J, & Jolly, S. (2013). Anisotropic leaky-mode modulator for holographic video displays. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Nature. 498 (7454) , 313–317.
  • Jolly, Sundeep, Smalley, Daniel Elijah, Barabas, James, & Bove, V Michael. (2013). Direct fringe writing architecture for photorefractive polymer-based holographic displays: analysis and implementation. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Optical Engineering. 52 (5) , 055801–055801.
  • Smalley, Daniel Elijah, Smithwick, Q, Barabas, J, Bove, Jr, VM, Jolly, S, & DellaSilva, C. (2013). Holovideo for everyone: a low-cost holovideo monitor. Conference Proceedings. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, . 415 , 012055.
  • Jolly, S., Smalley, Daniel Elijah, Barabas, J., & Bove, V. M.. (January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2013). Progress in Updatable Photorefractive Polymer-Based Holographic Displays via Direct Optical Writing of Computer-Generated Fringe Patterns. Conference Proceedings. Proc. SPIE Practical Holography XXVII,, SPIE.
  • Bove, Jr., V. Michael, & Smalley, Daniel Elijah. (December 2012). Holographic Television at the MIT Media Lab. Journal Article, Academic Journal. . 28 (11)
  • Barabas, James, Jolly, Sundeep, Smalley, Daniel Elijah, & Bove, Jr, V Michael. (2011). Diffraction specific coherent panoramagrams of real scenes. Conference Proceedings. Proc. SPIE, . 7957 , 795702.
  • Smithwick, Quinn YJ, Barabas, James, Smalley, Daniel Elijah, & Bove, Jr, V Michael. (2010). Interactive holographic stereograms with accommodation cues. Conference Proceedings. OPTO, . , 761903–761903.
  • Bove, V Michael, Smithwick, Quinn YJ, Barabas, James, & Smalley, Daniel Elijah. (2009). Is 3-D TV preparing the way for holographic TV?. Conference Proceedings. 8th International Symposium on Display Holography, Shenzhen, China, July, . , 13–17.
  • Smithwick, Quinn YJ, Barabas, James, Smalley, Daniel Elijah, & Bove, Jr, V Michael. (2009). Real-time shader rendering of holographic stereograms. Conference Proceedings. SPIE OPTO: Integrated Optoelectronic Devices, . , 723302–723302.
  • Smithwick, Quinn YJ, Smalley, Daniel Elijah, Bove, Jr, V Michael, & Barabas, James. (2008). Progress in holographic video displays based on guided-wave acousto-optic devices. Conference Proceedings. Integrated Optoelectronic Devices 2008, . , 69120H–69120H.
  • Smalley, Daniel Elijah, Smithwick, Quinn YJ, & Bove, Jr, V Michael. (2007). Holographic video display based on guided-wave acousto-optic devices. Conference Proceedings. Integrated Optoelectronic Devices 2007, . , 64880L–64880L.