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Greg Nordin


Office: 450G EB


Professor Greg Nordin received his BS degree in Physics from Brigham Young University in 1984, his MS degree in Physics from UCLA in 1986, and his PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of Southern California in 1992. From 1984 to 1992 he worked at Hughes Aircraft Company, first in the Radar Systems Group, then in the Electro-optical and Data Systems Group, and finally in the Hughes Research Laboratory.

From 1992 to 2005 Prof. Nordin worked at The University of Alabama in Huntsville in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department as Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor, where he founded and directed the university's Nano and Micro Devices Center, which the University of Alabama System Board of Trustees created as an independent research center. While director of the center, he led a group of 10-15 PhD students and 5-8 full-time staff. He also created a 7,600 sq. ft. cleanroom facility for nano and microfabricated devices to pursue research in photonics, MEMS, microfluidics, and sensors. He joined the faculty of the Electrical & Computer Engineering Department at Brigham Young University as Full Professor in 2005.

Prof. Nordin has led numerous large research programs, and has been principal investigator on research grants from government and industry totaling $18M. He received the National Science Foundation CAREER award for promising young faculty in 1996 and the UAH Outstanding Researcher Award for 1998-1999 and 1999-2000, and the UAH Foundation Award for Research and Creative Achievement in 2000.


  • Joule E. Esene, Mawla Boaks, Anna V. Bickham, Gregory P. Nordin, and Adam T. Woolley, "3D Printed Microfluidic Device for Automated, Pressure-driven, Valve-injected Microchip Electrophoresis of Preterm Birth Biomarkers," Microchimica Acta, 189:204 (2022)
  • Kei Webber, Thy Truong, S. Madisyn Johnston, Sebastian Zapata, Yiran Liang, Jacob Davis, Alexander Buttars, Fletcher Smith, Hailey Jones, Arianna Mahoney, Richard Carson, Andikan Nwosu, Jacob Heninger, Andrey Liyu, Gregory P. Nordin, Ying Zhu, and Adam T. Woolley, "Label-free profiling of up to 200 single-cell proteomes per day using a dual-column nanoflow liquid chromatography platform," Analytical Chemistry, 94(15) 6017-6025 (2022). DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.2c00646.
  • Jonard C. Valdoz, Nicholas A. Franks, Collin G. Cribbs, Dallin J. Jacobs, Ethan L. Dodson, Connor J. Knight, P. Daniel Poulson, Seth R. Garfield, Benjamin C. Johnson, Brandon M. Hemeyer, Miranda T. Sudo, Jordan A. Saunooke, Braden C. Kartchner, Aubrianna Saxton, Mary L. Vallecillo-Zuniga, Matheus Santos, Brandon Chamberlain, Kenneth A. Christensen, Gregory P. Nordin, A. Sampath Narayanan, Ganesh Raghu, Pam M. Van Ry, “Soluble ECM promotes organotypic formation in lung alveolar model,” Biomaterials, 283, 121464 (2022).
  • Haifa M. Almughamsi, Karyna M. Howell, Samuel R. Parry, Joule E. Esene, Jacob B. Nielsen, Gregory P. Nordin, and Adam T. Woolley, "Immunoaffinity Monoliths for Multiplexed Extraction of Preterm Birth Biomarkers from Human Blood Serum in 3D Printed Microfluidic Devices," Analyst 147, p. 734-743 (2022). DOI: 10.1039/D1AN01365C
  • Parker A. Awerkamp, Davin Fish, Madison King, David Hill, Gregory P Nordin, and Ryan M. Camacho, "3D Printed Mounts for Microdroplet Resonators," Optics Express, 30(2), p. 1599-1606 (2022). Highlighted as an Optics Express Editor’s Pick article.
  • Farah Arabian, Gregory P. Nordin, and Michael Rice, “On the Ungerboeck and Forney Observation Models for Spatial Combining And Their Application to 5G Millimeter-Wave Bands,” IEEE Access 9, p. 22214-22231 (2021).
  • Jose L. Sanchez Noriega, Nicholas A. Chartrand, Jonard Corpuz Valdoz, Collin G. Cribbs, Dallin A. Jacobs, Daniel Poulson, Matthew S. Viglione, Adam T. Woolley, Pam M. Van Ry, Kenneth A. Christensen, and Gregory P. Nordin, " Spatially and optically tailored 3D printing for highly miniaturized and integrated microfluidics," Nature Communications, 12, Article number: 5509 (2021). DOI: 0.1038/s41467-021-25788-w. Featured on Editor’s Highlights webpage.
  • Kevin Larson, Alec Hammond, Christian Carver, Derek Anderson, Matthew Viglione, Mawla Boaks, Gregory P Nordin, and Ryan M. Camacho, "Post-fabrication Tuning of Micro-ring Resonators Using 3D-printed Microfluidics," Optics Letters, 46(18) p. 4650-4653 (2021).
  • Christian Carver, Mawla Boaks, Juhang Kim, Kevin Larson, Gregory P Nordin, and Ryan M. Camacho, "Automated Photonic Tuning of Silicon Microring Resonators Using a 3D-printed Microfluidic Mixer," OSA Continuum 4(7), 2075-2081 (2021).
  • Brenda Maria C Costa, Aline G Coelho, Michael J Beauchamp, Jacob Nielsen, Gregory P Nordin, Adam T Woolley, and Jose A.F. da Silva, "3D-Printed Microchip Electrophoresis Device Containing Spiral Electrodes for Integrated Capacitively Coupled Contactless Conductivity Detection," Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (2021), DOI:
  • Chandler A. Warr, Hunter S. Hinnen, Saroya Avery, Rebecca J. Cate, Gregory P. Nordin, William G. Pitt, "3D Printed Microfluidic Droplet Generator in Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Polymers," Micromachines, 12(1), 91 (2021). DOI:
  • Anna V. Bickham, Chao Pang, Benjamin Q. George, David J. Topham, Jacob B. Nielsen, Gregory P. Nordin, Adam T. Woolley, "3D Printed Microfluidic Devices for Solid-Phase Extraction and On-Chip Fluorescent Labeling of Preterm Birth Risk Biomarkers," Analytical Chemistry, 92, 12322−12329 (2020). PMCID: PMC7494619.
  • Charles Lewis, James W. Erikson, Derek A. Sanchez, C. Emma McClure, Gregory P. Nordin, Troy R. Munro, and John S. Colton, "Use of Machine Learning Based on Photoluminescence Spectra and Time-resolved Photoluminescence Data for Improved Temperature Predictions," ACS Applied Nano Materials, 3, 4045-4053 (2020). PMCID: PMC8046108.
  • Chandler Warr, Jonard Corpuz Valdoz, Bryce P. Bickham, Connor J. Knight, Nicholas A. Franks, Nicholas Chartrand, Pam M. Van Ry, Kenneth A. Christensen, Gregory P. Nordin, and Alonzo D. Cook, “Biocompatible PEGDA Resin for 3D Printing,” ACS Applied Bio Materials 3(4) 2239-2244 (2020). PMCID: PMC7255423
  • Ryan M. Camacho, Davin Fish, Matthew Simmons, Parker Awerkamp, Rebecca Anderson, Stephanie Carlson, Joshua Laney, Matthew Viglione, and Gregory P. Nordin, "Self-sustaining 3-Dimensional Thin Liquid Films in Ambient Environments," Advanced Materials Interfaces, 1901887 (2020). PMCID: PMC7566691, DOI: 10.1002/admi.201901887.
  • Michael J. Beauchamp, Anna V. Nielsen, Hua Gong, Gregory P. Nordin, and Adam T. Woolley, "3D printed microfluidic devices for microchip electrophoresis of preterm birth biomarkers," Analytical Chemistry, 91(11), 7418-7425 (2019). PMCID: PMC6561337.
  • Hua Gong, Adam T. Woolley, and Gregory P. Nordin, "3D Printed Selectable Dilution Mixer Pumps," Biomicrofluidics 13, 014106 (2019). PMCID: PMC6353643.
  • Parker, Ellen K, Nielsen, Anna V, Beauchamp, Michael J, Almughamsi, Haifa M, Sonker, Mukul, Gong, Hua, Nielsen, Jacob B, Nordin, Greg, & Woolley, Adam T. (2018). 3D Printed Microfluidic Devices with Immunoaffinity Monoliths for Extraction of Preterm Birth Biomarkers. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry , Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:
  • Galan, Andres, Nordin, Greg, & Chiang, Shiuhhua. (July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2018). Design and Characterization of a Package-Less Hybrid PDMS-CMOS-FR4 Contact-Imaging System for Microfluidic Integration. Journal Article, Academic Journal. J. Micro/Nanolith. MEMS MOEMS, . 17 (3) , 034501 . doi:10.1117/1.JMM.17.3.034501
  • Beauchamp, Michael J., Gong, Hua, Woolley, Adam T, Nordin, Greg, & , . (28 June 2018). 3D printed microfluidic features using dose control in X, Y, and Z dimensions. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Micromachines, . 9 (7) , 326. doi:10.3390/mi9070326
  • Gong, Hua, Woolley, Adam T, & Nordin, Greg. (February 2018). 3D printed high density, reversible, chip-to-chip microfluidic interconnects. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Lab on a Chip, . 18 , 637-647. doi:10.1039/C7LC01113J
  • Gong, Hua, Woolley, Adam T, & Nordin, Greg. (2017). Custom 3D printer and resin for 18 um x 20 um microfluidic flow channels. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Lab on a Chip, . 17 , 2899-2909.
  • Beauchamp, Michael J, Nordin, Greg, & Woolley, Adam T. (2017). Moving From Millifliudic to Truly Microfluidic Sub 100 μm Cross-Section 3D Printed Devices. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry , . 409 , 4311-4319.
  • Gong, Hua, Woolley, Adam T, & Nordin, Greg. (2016). High Density 3D Printed Microfluidic Valves, Pumps, and Multiplexers. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Lab Chip, . 16 , 2450-2458.
  • Tsai, Long-Fang, Gong, Hua, Dallon, Kathryn L, Mazzeo, Brian A, & Nordin, Greg. (April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2016). Light Emission From Electrodes Under Dielectrophoresis Conditions. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS, SPIE. 15 (2) , 10. doi:10.1117/1.JMM.15.2.025001
  • Gong, Hua, Beauchamp, Michael, Perry, Steven, Woolley, Adam T, & Nordin, Greg. (December 2015). Optical approach to resin formulation for 3D printed microfluidics. Journal Article, Academic Journal. RSC Advances, . 5 (129) , 106621-106632.
  • Haslam, Bryan, Tsai, Long-Fang, Anderson, Ryan R, Hu, Weisheng, Kim, Seunghyun, & Nordin, Greg. (July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2015). Microfluidic Reflow Pumps. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Biomicrofluidics , AIP Publishing. 9 , 044104. doi:
  • Rogers, Chad I, Qaderi, Kamran, Woolley, Adam T, & Nordin, Greg. (January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2015). 3D Printed Microfluidic Devices with Integrated Valves. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Biomicrofluidics , . 9 (016501 ) , 9. doi:10.1063/1.4905840
  • Rogers, Chad I., Oxborrow, Joseph B., Anderson, Ryan R., Tsai, Long-Fang, Nordin, Greg, & Woolley, Adam T. (February 2014). Microfluidic valves made from polymerized polyethylene glycol diacrylate. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Sensors and Actuators B, . 191 , 438-444.
  • Ness, Stanley J, Anderson, Ryan R, Hu, Weisheng, Richards, Danny C, Oxborrow, Joseph, Gustafson, Timothy, Tsai, Long-Fang, Mazzeo, Brian A, Woolley, Adam T, & Nordin, Greg. (March 2013). Weak Adsorption-Induced Surface Stress for Streptavidin Binding to Biotin Tethered to Silicon Microcantilever Arrays. Journal Article, Academic Journal. IEEE Sensors, IEEE. 13 (3) , 959-968.
  • Ness, Stanely J., Kim, Seunghyun, Woolley, Adam T, & Nordin, Greg. (January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2012). Single-sided inkjet functionalization of silicon photonic microcantilevers. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, . 161 , 80-87.
  • Tsai, Long-Fang, Dahlquist, William C, Kim, Seunghyun, & Nordin, Greg. (November 2011). Room Temperature Bonding of Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) Microfluidics to Silicon-Based Sensors. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS, . 10 (4) , 043009.
  • Rogers, Chad I., Pagaduan, Jayson V, Nordin, Greg, & Woolley, Adam T. (August 2011). Single-Monomer Formulation of Polymerized Polyethylene Glycol Diacrylate as a Nonadsorptive Material for Microfluidics. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Analytical Chemistry, . 83 (16) , 6418-6425.
  • Anderson, Ryan R , Hu, Weisheng, Noh, Jong Wook, Dahlquist, William C, Ness, Stanley J, Gustafson, Timothy M, Richards, Danny C, Kim, Seunghyun, Mazzeo, Brian A, Woolley, Adam T, & Nordin, Greg. (June 2011). Transient deflection response in microcantilever array integrated with polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) microfluidics. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Lab on a Chip, . 11 (12) , 2088-2096.
  • Kim, Seunghyun, Gustafson, Timothy, Richards, Danny C, Hu, Weisheng, & Nordin, Greg. (June 2011). Microcantilever Deflection Compensation with Focused Ion Beam Exposure. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, . 21 , 085007.
  • Noh, Jong Wook, Anderson, Ryan R, Kim, Seunghyun, Hu, Weisheng, & Nordin, Greg. (April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2010). Sensitivity enhancement of differential splitter-based transduction for photonic microcantilever arrays. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Nanotechnology, . 21 (15) , 155501 (5 pages).
  • Qian, Y., Kim, Seunghyun, Song, J., Hu, W., Wojcik, G., & Nordin, Greg. (December 2009). Compact trench-based silicon-on-insulator ribwaveguide ring resonator with large freespectral range. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Optical Engineering, SPIE. 48 , 124602 pp. 1-4.
  • Noh , Jong Wook, Anderson, R., Kim, Seunghyun, Hu, W., & Nordin, Greg. (No date available). Sensitivity enhancement of differential splitter-based transduction for photonic microcantilever arrays. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Nanotechnology, .
  • Noh, Jong Wook, Anderson, R., Kim, Seunghyun, Hu, W., & Nordin, Greg. (October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2009). In-plane all-photonic transduction with differential splitter using double-step rib waveguide for photonic microcantilever arrays. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Optics Express, Optical Society of America. 17 , 20012-20020.
  • Hu, W., Anderson, R., Qian, Y., Song, J., Noh , Jong Wook, Kim, Seunghyun, & Nordin, Greg. (April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2009). Demonstration of microcantilever array with simultaneous readout using in-plane photonic transduction method. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Rev. Sci. Instr., . 80 , 085101 pp. 1-7.
  • Lin, Y., Kim, Seunghyun, Rahmanian, N., Nordin, Greg, Topping, C., Smith, D. W., & Ballato, J.. (September 2008). Ultracompact AWG using air-trench bends with perfluorocyclobutyl polymer waveguides. Journal Article, Academic Journal. IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, . 26 , 3062-3070.
  • Noh, Jong Wook, Anderson, R., Kim, Seunghyun, Cardenas, J., & Nordin, Greg. (August 2008). In-plane photonic transduction of silicon-on-insulator microcantilevers. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Optics Express, Optical Society of America. 16 , 12114-12123.
  • Qian, Y., Song, J., Kim, Seunghyun, Hu, W., & Nordin, Greg. (July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2008). Compact waveguide splitter networks. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Optics Express, Optical Society of America. 16 , 4981-4990.
  • Nordin, Greg. (June 2008). MEMS-Based Chemical and Biological Sensors. Abstract. Intelligence Community Academic Summit, College Park, Maryland, June 23-26, 2008, .
  • Nordin, Greg, Kim, Seunghyun, Noh , Jong Wook, Hu, Weisheng, Anderson, Ryan, Qian, Yusheng, Song, Jiguo, & Ness, Stanley. (April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2008). Progress toward parallel microcantilever array readout enabled by in-plane photonic transduction. Conference Proceedings. International Workshop on Nanomechanical Sensors, Mainz, Germany, May 19-21, 2008, .
  • Rahmanian, N., Kim, Seunghyun, Lin, Y., & Nordin, Greg. (January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2008). Air-trench splitters for ultra-compact ring resonators in low refractive index contrast waveguides. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Optics Express, . 16 , 456-465.
  • Rahmanian, N., Kim, Seunghyun, & Nordin, Greg. (January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2008). Ultra-Compact Ring Resonators in Low Refractive Index Contrast Waveguides. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Opt. Express, .
  • Qian, Y., Song, J., Kim, Seunghyun, & Nordin, Greg. (December 2007). Compact 90? trench-based splitter for silicon-on-insulator rib waveguides. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Optics Express, . 15 , 16712-16718.
  • Jiang, J., Deguzman, P. C., & Nordin, Greg. (March 2007). Analysis of stacked rotated gratings. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Applied Optics, . 46 , 1177-1183.
  • Nordin, Greg, Noh, Jong Wook, & Kim, Seunghyun. (February 2007). In-plane photonic transduction for microcantilever sensor arrays. Conference Proceedings. Nanoscale Imaging, Spectroscopy, Sensing, and Actuation for Biomedical Applications IV, SPIE 6477, San Jose, CA. 6447 , 64470J.
  • Lin, Yongbin, Rahmanian, Nazli, Kim, Seunghyun, & Nordin, Greg. (January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2007). Compact and high efficiency polymer air-trench waveguide bends and splitters. Conference Proceedings. Micromachining Technology for Microoptics and Nanooptics V, Eric Johnson, Gregory P. Nordin, and Thomas J. Suleski, Editors, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 6462B, SPIE.
  • Qian, Yusheng, Kim, Seunghyun, Song, Jiquo, Jiang, Jianhua, & Nordin, Greg. (January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2007). Efficient and compact silicon-on-insulator rib waveguide 90 degree bends and splitters. Conference Proceedings. Silicon Photonics II, Joel A. Kubby and Graham T. Reed, Editors, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 6477, SPIE.
  • Lin, Y., Cardenas, J., Kim, Seunghyun, & Nordin, Greg. (December 2006). Reduced loss through improved fabrication for single air interface bends in polymer waveguides. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Optics Express, Optical Society of America. 14 , 12803-12813.
  • Rahmanian, Nazli, Kim, Seunghyun, & Nordin, Greg. (November 2006). Anisotropic high aspect ratio etch for fluorinated polymers with stress relief technique. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B, . 24 , 2672-2677.
  • Kadam, Ashwini R., Nordin, Greg, & George, Michael A.. (September 2006). Comparison of microcantilever Hg sensing behavior with thermal higher order modes for as-deposited sputtered and thermally evaporated Au films. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B, . 24 , 2271-2275.
  • Wang, Bin, Jiang, Jianhua, & Nordin, Greg. (August 2006). Systematic design process for slanted graing couplers. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Applied Optics, . 45 , 6223-6226.
  • Qian, Yusheng, Kim, Seunghyun, Song, Jiquo, Jiang, Jianhua, & Nordin, Greg. (June 2006). Compact and low loss silicon-on-insulator ridge waveguide 90? bend. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Optics Express, . 14 , 6020-6028.
  • Li, Lixia, Cardenas, Jaime, Jiang, Jianhua, & Nordin, Greg. (May 2006). Compact integrated depolarizer for interferometric fiber optic gyroscopes. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Optical Engineering, . 45 , 055602-1-7.
  • Kim, Seunghyun, Jiang, Jianhua, & Nordin, Greg. (May 2006). Design of compact polymer Mach-Zender interferometer and ring resonator with air trench structures. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Optical Engineering, . 45 , 054602-1-7.
  • Kim, Seunghyun, Jiang, J., & Nordin, Greg. (May 2006). Design of compact ring resonator and Mach-Zender interferometer with air trenches. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Opt. Eng., .
  • Kadam, Ashwini R., Nordin, Greg, & George, Michael A.. (May 2006). Use of thermally induced higher order modes of a microcantilever for mercury vapor detection. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Jounal of Applied Physics, . 99 , 094905-1-4.
  • Wang, B., Jiang, J., & Nordin, Greg. (September 2005). Embedded slanted grating coupler for vertical coupling between fibers and silicon-on-insulator planar waveguides. Journal Article, Academic Journal. IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, IEEE. 17 , 1884-1886.
  • Wang, B., Jiang, J., Chambers, D. M., & Nordin, Greg. (April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2005). Stratified waveguide grating coupler for normal fiber incidence. Journal Article, Academic Journal. Optics Letters, Optical Society of America. 30 , 845-847.
  • Nordin, Greg, & Cardenas, J.. (January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2005). Compact Single Air Interface Bends in PFCB Polymer Waveguides. Conference Proceedings. SPIE Photonics West, Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies IX, Proceedings of SPIE , San Jose, CA. 5728
  • Cardenas, J., & Nordin, Greg. (January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2005). Deep PFCB Polymer Etch Development for Photonic Devices. Conference Proceedings. SPIE Photonics West, Micromachining Technology for Microoptics and Nanooptics III, Proceedings of SPIE, San Jose, CA. 5720
  • Kim, Seunghyun, Cai, J., Jiang, J., & Nordin, Greg. (January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2005). Design and Analysis of Small-Area Air Trench Bends and Splitters. Conference Proceedings. SPIE Photonics West, Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits IX, Proceedings of SPIE , San Jose, CA. 5729